{Minute} TTWG Meeting 2021-10-14 and CfC for 3 resolutions

Thanks all for attending today’s TTWG Meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-tt-minutes.html

This email is a Call for Consensus for the 3 provisional resolutions we made:

  1.  For the IMSC HRM specification we will use the Software and Document Licence.<https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-tt-minutes.html#r01>
  2.  Adopt the streamlined publishing process for imsc-hrm so that every time a pull request is merged to the main branch a new WD is published automatically.<https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-tt-minutes.html#r02>
  3.  Request transition of imsc-hrm to FPWD modulo addition of editorial note regarding issue #5.<https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-tt-minutes.html#r03>

The review period under our Decision Policy<https://www.w3.org/2020/12/timed-text-wg-charter.html#decisions> for these provisional resolutions expires on 2021-10-28, after which, if there are no unresolved objections, they will be considered to be Working Group Decisions.

Those minutes in text format:


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

14 October 2021

   [2]Previous meeting. [3]Agenda. [4]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2021/09/30-tt-minutes.html

      [3] https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/200

      [4] https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-tt-irc


          Andreas, Atsushi, Cyril, Mike, Nigel, Pierre





    1. [5]This meeting
    2. [6]IMSC HRM
         1. [7]Which Licence?
         2. [8]Timeline for publication
         3. [9]Streamlined publication
         4. [10]Transition Request
    3. [11]Charter
    4. [12]Upcoming TTWG and APA joint breakout session next week
       about SAUR
    5. [13]Update on TTML in MP4
    6. [14]AOB - branch protection in imsc-hrm
    7. [15]Meeting close
    8. [16]Summary of resolutions

Meeting minutes

  This meeting

   Nigel: Today we have IMSC HRM, Charter, a note about next
   week's call on Synchronisation accessibility user requirements

   Cyril: AOB from me: the MPEG file format meeting just finished
   - there's still a discussion about TTML in MP4 and I'd like to
   give an update.

   Nigel: That'd be brilliant, thank you.
   … Any more business?

   Pierre: FPWD of IMSC HRM - we should decide how to proceed with
   the open issue

   Nigel: We'll bring that into the IMSC HRM agenda topic.

   Pierre: Okay thanks

   Nigel: Any more?

   [group has no more]

   <Zakim> atsushi, you wanted to discuss do we have meeting link
   for next week? (might be from APA??)

   Nigel: Thanks for asking Atsushi, no, I don't have a link yet.
   … It'd be good to get one because we'll have a hard time
   joining without it!


   Nigel: We have an initial draft, all the open PRs merged, and
   there's one open issue.

   Pierre: That's my understanding

   Nigel: And you wanted to ask about the order of events in terms
   of the issue and publishing a FPWD?

   Pierre: Exactly. We could try to resolve the outstanding issue
   before publishing an FPWD or
   … publish soon and then address that issue and any others.

   Nigel: Suggestion: add an editorial note to the spec at the
   place where the issue lies, pointing to the issue, and publish
   FPWD with that
   … note present, to highlight to readers that there's an ongoing
   conversation about that part of the document.

   Pierre: OK

   Nigel: Make sense?

   Pierre: I'm happy with it - think it's a good idea.

   Nigel: Any other views?

   Nigel: It's clear where in the document issue w3c/imsc-hrm#5
   lies, so it should be easy to do.

   Pierre: Absolutely, I'm just doing that as we speak.

    Which Licence?

   Pierre: I have also another question, which is about the
   document license. Can you remind me what the Charter says?

   Nigel: We have the choice of either, on a per document basis.
   … There seems to be a popular move towards the software
   licence, which is I think more permissive than the document
   … I discussed with Philippe and he agreed with my concern that
   others could fork specs and claim them to be authoritative,
   … but felt that addressing that with a licence wasn't the best
   tool; conversely, allowing the more permissive licence
   … makes it easier for the community to, e.g. reuse examples
   that may be parts of specifications.
   … So we can choose either. In the past we've used the document
   licence, but the current trend
   … is in favour of the software licence. It's our choice.

   Pierre: Do you have a strong opinion?

   Nigel: No I don't

   Pierre: The default in Respec is the W3C Software and Document

   Nigel: So anyone can do anything with it.

   Pierre: If that's recommended, I don't have an objection.

   [17]Document licence, as currently used in IMSC

     [17] https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2015/doc-license

   Nigel: Quite a few big players in W3C have come out in favour
   of the software and document licence so I'm happy to go with

   Pierre: The licence for IMSC 1.0.1 was pretty permissive
   … I think we should just use the Software and Document Licence.

   PROPOSAL: For the IMSC HRM specification we will use the
   Software and Document Licence.

   Nigel: Any objections?
   … hearing none:

   Resolution: For the IMSC HRM specification we will use the
   Software and Document Licence.

    Timeline for publication

   Nigel: Any other questions before we take it further?

   Pierre: I'll create a pull request for the FPWD - please
   review. Then I guess we'll wait 2 weeks.

   Nigel: There's no reason to wait for 2 weeks for the editorial
   changes of adding the note and changing the boilerplate to FPWD

   Pierre: It's just to make it clear what we'll publish. I can
   create that PR today and then start the clock?

   Nigel: Yes

   Nigel: Given the moratorium, we'd be looking at actual
   publication on 1st or 2nd November.

   Pierre: That's fine, let's start now then.

   Nigel: Atsushi, anything extra we should think about?

   Atsushi: It's the first publication so I don't think we need to
   squash or deal with existing issues.
   … The next slot is 2nd November
   … I'd like to file a transition request as soon as possible
   … And hopefully it will be handled on 22nd or 29th. I don't
   have anything further.

   Nigel: That all sounds reasonable and doable.

    Streamlined publication

   Atsushi: We may be able to configure streamlined publication
   for each PR merged for this.
   … If we want.

   Nigel: That's neat

   Pierre: ?

   Atsushi: Many WGs are publishing specs to /TR every time a pull
   request is merged to the main document.
   … We can do that if we want.

   Nigel: We've never done it before but especially at WD it's
   quite tempting to share with the world what we've agreed as
   soon as we have

   Atsushi: We just need a WG Resolution for that and after that
   we can publish WD to /TR any time. I suppose that makes our
   life easier.
   … We don't need to wait 2 weeks every time.

   Nigel: We'd just have our 2 week pull request review period.

   Atsushi: That depends on the WG working mode. Even after that
   we need to run CfC for publication for another 2 weeks.

   Nigel: Oh I see

   Atsushi: I forgot one point: we need to have a resolution to

   Nigel: I'm coming to that

   Atsushi: If we wait until 28th the timing is quite tight

   Nigel: I'm planning to make the proposal now, just making sure
   everything else is sorted out first.

   Atsushi: If possible, please issue CfC for publication as WG
   Note and streamlined publication

   Pierre: It's on Rec track not Note

   Nigel: Agreed, Rec track

   Atsushi: Sorry, I forgot. It makes no difference for this
   publication stage.
   … We need to do the same things.

   Nigel: Any views on streamlined publication before we proceed?
   I'm leaning to being in favour but I think there could be

   Atsushi: The trigger is merging a PR to the main branch so if
   we don't make any error for that we should be fine.

   Nigel: In the past people have not been happy with the
   assumption that every PR has had full review before merging, on
   all our specs,
   … and requested a review opportunity before publication.
   … In this case, I think the document is much smaller than, say,
   TTML, and we're likely to see a smaller volume of change, so
   the same
   … concerns might not arise.
   … The choice before us is whether we're happy collectively to
   review each PR and if it gets merged then we're happy to
   … or if instead we want a review gate before publication.

   Atsushi: To be honest I don't have a strong opinion.

   Pierre: My input is that we should try this more agile process
   and see how it goes. If it fails then we can go back.
   … That's my recommendation.
   … Technically, everything that's merged in the main branch
   should result in a specification that is valid.
   … I think that's a good goal anyway, and it's going to be a WD
   every time, so publishing the head of the main
   … branch as a WD every time it changes is not unreasonable if
   we can maintain discipline.
   … If we can't maintain discipline then we can revisit it.

   Atsushi: This could be a good test case for us.

   Pierre: Exactly. The risk here is small.

   Nigel: That makes sense to me. Any other views from anyone who
   hasn't spoken so far?

   Andreas: No, makes sense.

   PROPOSAL: Adopt the streamlined publishing process for imsc-hrm
   so that every time a pull request is merged to the main branch
   a new WD is published automatically.

   Nigel: Any last objections?

   Atsushi: I will paste examples in other WGs. I configured this
   in another WG last month and it only triggered once over 9

   Nigel: We can just configure it for this one spec, right?

   Atsushi: Per repository, yes.

   Nigel: I think the concept makes sense, any requests to see
   examples before going ahead with a resolution?

   <atsushi> [18]example resolution (can check cfc also)

     [18] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-immersive-web-wg/2021Sep/0004.html

   [no requests]

   Resolution: Adopt the streamlined publishing process for
   imsc-hrm so that every time a pull request is merged to the
   main branch a new WD is published automatically.

    Transition Request

   PROPOSAL: Request transition of imsc-hrm to FPWD modulo
   addition of editorial note regarding issue #5.

   Nigel: Any objections?

   [no objections]

   Resolution: Request transition of imsc-hrm to FPWD modulo
   addition of editorial note regarding issue #5.

   Nigel: As a reminder, all of these resolutions are subject to
   our decision policy and have a 2 week review period.


   Nigel: We have a draft charter with the 4 Rec Track
   deliverables as listed in the agenda.
   … I don't have any update other than that. Anyone else?
   Questions, things to add, comments?

   [19]Proposed draft charter

     [19] https://w3c.github.io/charter-timed-text/

   Atsushi: I don't have anything else. For discussion, we may
   need to start reviews very soon, like next week.
   … We may be able to update during the review process, but
   without starting the process we'll run out of current charter.

   <atsushi> [20]https://github.com/w3c/charter-timed-text/issues/


     [20] https://github.com/w3c/charter-timed-text/issues/66

   Atsushi: This is the biggest remaining discussion point.
   … When we can have consensus on this ticket we can go to the
   next stage of asking reviews.

   Nigel: Okay I'd better draft a pull request then.
   … I think there is consensus in the issue.

   Atsushi: Yes we need consensus on the text.

   Nigel: I've assigned that issue to myself.

   Nigel: Any other questions? Anyone else?

  Upcoming TTWG and APA joint breakout session next week about SAUR

   Nigel: As mentioned at the top of the meeting, we don't have
   joining details for this meeting yet.
   … I will chase.
   … Actually maybe there are joining coordinates - you have to be
   registered for TPAC 2021 I think, which is free of charge I
   … Then there's a link from the wiki page linked from the email
   (here it is again):

   [21]wiki page

     [21] https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2021#Introduction_to_Synchronization_Accessibility_User_Requirements_.28SAUR.29

   <atsushi> [22]detailed description

     [22] https://docs.google.com/document/d/19p6cA_TdMZ8yVQ_qBQITjfbLgeJ9KD3LK-LdlaR2ieA/edit

   Nigel: Conclusion: we do have coordinates for joining, but it
   needs admin for each person to get there

   Atsushi: You have to register at least 24 hours in advance.
   … Every time you go to the cvent page you have to login with
   the 6 digit secret code sent by email.
   … Please be aware of the time needed to get this before joining
   the zoom meeting.
   … I recommend not closing the cvent site tab.

   Nigel: Thank you
   … I don't think we need a WG consensus view on the topic before
   … we can go with our individual views and learn/contribute as
   the opportunity arises.

  Update on TTML in MP4

   Cyril: As you know there was a liaison contribution from MPEG
   to TTWG some months ago
   … saying that MPEG is updating the carriage of TTML in MP4 to
   deal with some confusing wording.
   … We had a back-and-forth and MPEG ended up with a document
   close to final draft (FDIS) stage.
   … One of the changes that was made at this last stage was a
   technical change to the mapping to ISOBMFF.
   … We have two timelines, a composition timeline and a
   presentation timeline and the difference is an "edit list" and
   … is going back and forth on whether edit lists apply to TTML.
   … Also applies to WebVTT.
   … If you think you're using edit lists then I'm interested and
   the MPEG group is interested.

   Pierre: One request: would it be possible to get the
   consolidated section (not an amendment).
   … I've found it impossible to review the amendment.

   Cyril: In this case the entire section is being replaced by the

   Pierre: In this specific case it would be awesome if we could
   get a consolidated copy of part 30.

   Mike: It's not an unreasonable request; someone would have to
   sit down and do it. ISO doesn't usually do that extra step.
   … In rare occasions they will produce a roll-up.

   Pierre: This is true; I've found it error prone and inefficient
   in this highly technical case to review only the amendment.

   Mike: No argument, it doesn't exist today.

   Cyril: It's noted. If I produce an integrated edition you'll be
   in the list (the group).
   … My question to the group is if you're aware of using edit
   lists for TTML in MP4?

   Nigel: Just for clarity, the edit list is the thing that's
   applied to a composition timeline to derive the presentation
   time, right?

   Cyril: Yes. It's a tool that typically applies to video streams
   with B frame reordering.
   … But it's a generic tool where a timeline can be edited, e.g.
   shifting by X or removing or inserting part of the timeline.
   … In practice in a streaming environment like DASH/HLS/CMAF the
   only way it is used in a video stream is when the
   … composition time of the first frame is not zero, to map the
   first frame onto presentation time zero.

   Andreas: Does one edit list apply to all media?

   Cyril: No it's per track

   Andreas: Does it make sense to apply an edit list just to

   Cyril: Yes because for each track the presentation timeline is
   mapped onto the video presentation timeline.
   … You might not need edit lists on subtitles or audio, but only

   Andreas: Are edit lists applied in use cases where they also
   need to be applied to other tracks?

   Cyril: Yes, an example is a movie with audio, video and text,
   and you want to cut out a section, the edit list would apply to
   all three
   … components.

   Andreas: That's it, so it would be strange not to include it.

   Cyril: I agree. MPEG decided to postpone progress on this
   question to study this further.

   Mike: For Cyril's question, if someone is using edit lists with
   TTML today then that would be good to know, or if noone is
   using them then
   … that would be good too.

   Nigel: Is another way to ask the same question: are people
   authoring TTML with timestamps on the composition timeline
   rather than
   … the presentation timeline?

   Mike: No, it's Cyril's question.

   Cyril: I don't think people think of it that way but the way
   Nigel asked it isn't wrong.

   Nigel: Perhaps people don't understand the difference between
   the two timelines when they author the TTML.

   Mike: In the broader group nobody had any awareness of it being

   Cyril: As Andreas hinted, if you _don't_ apply edit lists to
  TTML then it has different treatment and isn't a "first class

   Mike: It's valuable to understand what people are doing with it

   Cyril: Agreed, hypothetical cases are interesting but practical
   ones are even more valuable.

   Pierre: Not only in practical use, I'd broaden: has there ever
   been a recommendation use edit lists?

   Cyril: No - unless audio or video there is no need to use edit
   lists to make it work.
   … For Video, for some time, you _had_ to use edit lists.
   … That was never the case for TTML.

   Pierre: I understand. We're talking about the edts box?

   Cyril: Yes and the elst entry in the edts container

   Pierre: Does the CMAF spec mention it?

   Cyril: CMAF only refers to the edts box for audio and video,
   for frame reordering and to remove priming samples, which are
   … coding specific things. The edit list is restricted to a
   specific scenario, not cutting parts of the stream out.
   … So it makes sense to omit it for timed text, because there's
   no need.

  AOB - branch protection in imsc-hrm

   <Zakim> atsushi, you wanted to discuss (AOB) do we want to have
   branch protection in imsc-hrm repository, like other rec-track
   ones (e.g. ttml?) ?

   Atsushi: do we want branch protection in imsc-hrm repo?

   Nigel: Yes we do
   … If we're doing streamlined publication we must have branch

   Atsushi: Yes

  Meeting close

   Nigel: Thank you everyone, let's adjourn [adjourns meeting]

Summary of resolutions

    1. [23]For the IMSC HRM specification we will use the Software
       and Document Licence.
    2. [24]Adopt the streamlined publishing process for imsc-hrm
       so that every time a pull request is merged to the main
       branch a new WD is published automatically.
    3. [25]Request transition of imsc-hrm to FPWD modulo addition
       of editorial note regarding issue #5.

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [26]scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).

     [26] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2021 17:09:17 UTC