{Minutes} TTWG Meeting 2020-01-30

Thanks all for attending today's TTWG meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2020/01/30-tt-minutes.html

Those minutes in text format:


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

30 January 2020

   [2]Previous meeting. [3]Agenda. [4]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2020/01/23-tt-minutes.html

      [3] https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/91

      [4] https://www.w3.org/2020/01/30-tt-irc


          Atsushi, Cyril, Gary, Glenn, Nigel, Pierre


          Gary, Nigel



     * [5]Meeting minutes
         1. [6]This meeting
         2. [7]Potential semantic conflict between ttp:profile and
            ttp:contentProfiles. imsc#506
         3. [8]Permit CSS font matching and font-face mapping
         4. [9]TTML2 2nd Edition CR Publication
         5. [10]AOB - WebVMT
         6. [11]Meeting close.

Meeting minutes

  This meeting

   Nigel: Today, we have IMSC 1.2 FPWD next steps, two issues/pull
   requests to discuss.
   … Plus TTML2 2nd Edition CR publication.
   … Is there any other business?

   Pierre: Can we discuss WebVMT?

   Nigel: Sure, in AOB

  Potential semantic conflict between ttp:profile and
  ttp:contentProfiles. imsc#506

   github: [12]https://github.com/w3c/imsc/issues/506

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/imsc/issues/506

   Nigel: Just checking in, since when we discussed this last the
   Editor was not present.
  … Did the consensus last time make sense, Pierre? Any other

   Pierre: Seems fine with me.
   … But why in IMSC 1.2 instead of TTML2? We have to remove the
   may, but if folks think a note here would be
   … useful that's fine. I'll change the wording a little bit but
   keep the intent.

   SUMMARY: Editor to prepare Pull Request

   Glenn: I would accept this under TTML2 in a future edition.

   Nigel: But I wanted it sooner so suggested put it in IMSC 1.2
   now and TTML2 later.

   Glenn: There's some similar existing language in TTML already.

   Pierre: Okay, got it, thanks.

  Permit CSS font matching and font-face mapping imsc#517

   github: [13]https://github.com/w3c/imsc/pull/517

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/imsc/pull/517

   Pierre: I have one last editorial comment.

   Nigel: Also Glenn raised more substantive comments, let's do
   those first.

   Glenn: 1. On the font-face issue, we didn't actually discuss
   the font-face matter at the last meeting as
   … far as I recall. It doesn't make any sense at all as far as I
   am aware to even mention font-face because it
   … has no relevance to us because there is no way to refer to
   font-face in our context whatsoever.
   … We don't have any way to put font-face in our content,
   syntactically, so any use of it would have to be
   … completely out of the scope of TTML or IMSC unless I'm
   missing something.

   Nigel: We did discuss font-face and the intent here is to say
   that using the font-face algorithm is compatible with
   … the TTML font matching semantics which are implementation

   Glenn: The font-face rule describes a syntax. I thought from
   last week we were only talking about CSS Fonts §5.1
   … The first paragraph, by itself, is perfectly fine and is
   exactly what I thought we agreed last week, and I think it is
   … sufficient. Anything else is extraneous. The implementation
   can decide all the details.
   … It's going overboard by putting extra hints on what the
   implementation might do.
   … You're saying "implementor, here are other things you might
   think about", but I don't see that as a necessary hint.

   Nigel: I thought it is unclear what we mean unless we explain
   the mapping.

   Glenn: I think implementers will find it obvious so the table
   is not necessary.

   Pierre: Just for my own clarification, which paragraph are you
   referring to?

   Glenn: I'm suggesting deleting the paragraph about the
   font-face rule, and just leaving the first new one
   … that says the font matching algorithm in place.

   Pierre: That would address my comment as well.
   … My question was why have those two paragraphs disconnected.
   … From an implementer it was weird that I could use one without
   the other.
   … If the conclusion is the first one is sufficient then it
   would be good to keep just that one.

   Glenn: In the note, the first sentence is already written into
   the text of the spec, so it isn't needed.

   Nigel: You think the second sentence works without the first

   Glenn: OK if we just remove the last sentence we could keep
   … For locality of reference, put it after the new paragraph
   about the font matching algorithm.

   Nigel: That works for me.

   Glenn: Thank you for accommodating me.

   Nigel: Not at all, feedback very welcome.

   Pierre: That change would address my comments too.

   Nigel: Okay, I will implement that in the pull request.

   SUMMARY: @nigelmegitt to amend pull request taking into account
   feedback from today's discussion.

  TTML2 2nd Edition CR Publication

   <atsushi> :yay:

   Nigel: We published on the 28th as planned. Thank you to Glenn
   and Atsushi for making it happen.

   [14]TTML2 2nd Edition CR

     [14] https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-ttml2-20200128/

   Nigel: There's a question, whether to point people looking at
   1st Ed Rec at this new 2nd Ed CR.

   Glenn: Tricky question. I can't recall what we did with TTML1

   Nigel: I don't think this facility existed then.

   Glenn: It may have for 3rd Ed, which was late 2018.
   … I'm of 2 minds. I wouldn't want it to warn to say the Rec is
   … If we did a warning I would want it to say something like "A
   revision is in process, look here if you want to see it"

   Nigel: Is this something where we can control the text?

   Atsushi: Usually when a WG updates a Rec a pop-up will be
   raised to note it is an old version so please look at the new

   <atsushi> [15]https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/PR-ttml1-20181004/

     [15] https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/PR-ttml1-20181004/

   Atsushi: This one says "This version is outdated!"
   … Do you want this popup in TTML2 1st Ed Rec to point to TTML2
   … I suppose if we consider the TTML1 Rec is still alive, it may
   be possible to keep TTML1 Rec as the latest version for TTML1.

   Pierre: Yes, please don't touch TTML1.

   Nigel: Agreed, this is only about TTML2

   Glenn: The question is can we supply the text for the warning?
   … In this case the TTML2 1st Ed is still active. It is not
   outdated yet.
   … But it is in process of revision so we could provide a
   warning saying that it is in the process of revision and
   linking to the revision.
   … We would not want to say it is outdated. Please could you
   check to see from the publishing people if we can provide
   … the text of that? If they only have canned text then we may
   need to leave it the same.

   Nigel: It might depend on what the canned text options are.

   Glenn: We'd want to provide text.

   Atsushi: That pop-up is provided by a central database so I
   don't think we can customise the note.

   Glenn: Can you ask the publishing people, maybe their database
   has a way to include a custom message?

   <atsushi> <script src="[16]https://www.w3.org/scripts/TR/2016/


     [16] https://www.w3.org/scripts/TR/2016/fixup.js">

   Atsushi: When I checked before we usually just put one line of
   inclusion of script.

   Nigel: That script goes to [17]https://www.w3.org/TR/

   tr-outdated-spec and the response depends on the referring
   … So Atsushi could you ask what flexibility we have in
   directing the server to send our own text for that, in response
   … to the referral?

     [17] https://www.w3.org/TR/tr-outdated-spec

   Atsushi: Yes, I can ask

   Nigel: I think our conclusion is that we would like some text,
   but only if we can check it in advance.

   Atsushi: It seems all of the contents are written by JSON data
   from the URL - let me go back to them with this request.

   Nigel: Thank you
   … In terms of this CR, I think the next steps are to work out
   which tests should go into the implementation report
   … and prepare that.

   Glenn: I counted 30 substantive PRs going into this version
   (from memory) and 15 (?) of them were marked as
   … untestable, or as having test, I think 11 have tests and 4
   are untestable.
   … TTV is one implementation of those 11, so that leaves 15
   others that were merged prior
   … to our arrangement to create tests before merging, so we need
   to go back and create tests for the other 15.
   … Then we need to find another implementation for the remaining
   testable ones.
   … Of the 15 that are left some of them might end up being
   untestable. We haven't gone through them yet.
   … We do need another implementation. Right now we've written in
   the SOTD that we won't go to PR before
   … March 17 so I've already created a milestone in GitHub and
   marked its pending completion date as that date.
   … It can be changed.
   … We have one issue tentatively right now which is the privacy
   review response.
   … There's also a request from internationalisation to change an
   example to use isolate instead of embed, which
   … we can probably accommodate prior to Proposed Rec.
   … So we need to identify a possible 2nd implementation.
   … So we need to look into that. Previously BBC, Netflix and I
   believe Pierre, you guys, had done some implementation
   … work so perhaps we can get another implementation.
   … I need to look at the possibility of TTV implementing the
   other testable tests.

   Nigel: Yes, good summary and reminder points about our next

   <atsushi> [18]https://himorin.github.io/ttwg/


     [18] https://himorin.github.io/ttwg/TTWG-2019-spec-timeline.html

   Atsushi: I need to update the above for TTML2.

   Glenn: I used Philippe's tool for generating 17th March. It
   said Rec publishing date in April if all goes to plan,
   … but Atsushi should maybe generate a timeline incorporating
   current practice and all the steps necessary.

   Atsushi: Also let me propose one thing on this.
   … For now, that timeline is put to w3.org as a single HTML5 but
   is it possible to have one directory to be redirected
   … to github.io so we can host these files in there to be
   published at w3.org space, like our current index.html for WG

   Nigel: Yes of course, it would make sense to put this in the
   TTWG repo.

   Atsushi: Currently only the home page redirects, but we could
   add a subdirectory used for us to easily edit via PR.

   Nigel: That's a really good idea, yes please.

   <atsushi> [19]https://www.w3.org/immersive-web/

     [19] https://www.w3.org/immersive-web/

   Atsushi: I will send an email requesting a directory. I'm not
   sure what directory to use.

   <atsushi> [20]https://github.com/immersive-web/homepage

     [20] https://github.com/immersive-web/homepage

   Nigel: I'm not sure either, maybe follow another group, or
   otherwise call it something like 'wip'.
   … Can we follow this up off-line with Atsushi, Gary and Nigel?

   Atsushi: Yes

  AOB - WebVMT

   Pierre: WebVMT is a fork of WebVTT.
   … I'm interested in keeping all the Timed Text discussions in
   the same group in W3C.
   … Do you have any insights, maybe Gary?

   Gary: Rob Smith is the one heading this up.
   … It sounds like it started off with them trying to use WebVTT
   for metadata.

   Nigel: Specifically geographic metadata.

   Gary: Yes, for tying map data to a video, like showing
   locations moving on a map.
   … It seems like it's mostly an extension rather than a full
   fork, but there are definitely some changes.
   … They potentially should be moved back to WebVTT, I don't

   Nigel: Last I heard on this, it is WebVTT minus some features
   that Rob thought were unnecessary for the use case.

   Pierre: It is confusing to have a proliferation of groups
   working on timed text.
   … It would be good to ask them why not join TTWG?

   Gary: He's also working on the datacue proposal.

   Pierre: It would be good if these were all under the same roof.

   Gary: That makes sense. There was a question from Silvia on the
   M&E mailing list asking why different from WebVTT.

   Pierre: I don't want to prevent that work, and I don't want to
   presume of the outcome, but also looking at what is
   … happening with bullet chatting, it's great to have loads of
   initiatives but hard to keep track of them.

   Nigel: Sounds like W3C all over!

   Pierre: Well indeed, it is a recurring comment.

   Gary: It is also possible that forking is the best decision.

   Pierre: Exactly, I don't want to make an assumption but it
   would be good to do it in the same group.

   Gary: Yes, my only issue is that it is harder to trickle back
   good features into WebVTT.

   Pierre: Yes, and with bullet chatting, people get excited about
   WebVTT because it is implemented in browsers,
   … but if they extend it and do it without browser
   implementation then they're back where they started.

   Gary: Exactly.
   … They're back to implementing themselves.

   Pierre: Exactly, I always thought that was a strange argument.

   Nigel: Okay, that's noted, one for Gary and I to think about.
   I'm not sure what actions to take.

  Meeting close.

   Nigel: Thanks everyone. We're a little over time, so let's
   adjourn. [adjourns meeting]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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     [21] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Thursday, 30 January 2020 17:54:05 UTC