FW: [CSSWG][css-ruby-1] Updated WD of CSS Ruby L1

For information:

On 29/04/2020, 23:15, "fantasai" <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net> wrote:

    The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the CSS Ruby Layout 
    Module Level 1:

    “Ruby”, a form of interlinear annotation, are short runs of text alongside the 
    base text. They are typically used in East Asian documents to indicate 
    pronunciation or to provide a short annotation. This module describes the 
    rendering model and formatting controls related to displaying ruby annotations 
    in CSS.
    This update folds in a number of changes and corrections for issues reported 
    since the previous draft in 2014 (primarily by Mozilla's implementation team 
    and the i18nWG, thank you very much!). It also adds some basic control over 
    ruby overhang behavior. Significant changes are listed at:

    There are still a number of known issues open, so we expect some heavy 
    revision over the next year. Issues are currently tracked in two places:


    Please review the draft, and send any comments to this mailing list,
    <www-style@w3.org>, prefixed with [css-ruby] (as I did on this
    message) or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

    For the CSS WG,

Received on Thursday, 30 April 2020 07:53:10 UTC