Re: Embedded fonts + generic font families

s/can think/can't think/

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 7:51 AM Glenn Adams <> wrote:

> Correct. That is my assumption. But I'm willing to consider use cases for
> allowing it. I just can think of a good one. If you are going to provide a
> font resource you can give it any family name, so what is the need to
> override a generic family name?
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 7:31 AM Pierre-Anthony Lemieux <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Glenn,
>> Your conclusion is that tts:fontFamily="proportionalSerif" is always
>> implementation-dependent and cannot be overridden by the author?
>> Best,
>> -- Pierre
>> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 2:27 PM Glenn Adams <> wrote:
>>> I have (since around October) had the following note on my TODO list for
>>> filing issues against TTML2:
>>> + [SUBSTANTIVE] do not allow @family on font element to be
>>>  a <generic-family-name> (either unquoted or quoted);
>>> On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 2:08 AM Pierre-Anthony Lemieux <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Good morning/evening,
>>>> Say the following is present in a TTML2 document:
>>>>   <resources>
>>>>     <font family="default" range="u+20-7f,u+90-9f">
>>>>       <source src=""
>>>> type="font/otf"/>
>>>>     </font>
>>>>   </resources>
>>>> In the following snippet, is a presentation processor expected to use
>>>> the embedded font, or is the font selection sill left to the implementation?
>>>> <p tts:fontFamily="default">font above or application-selected?</p>
>>>> Best,
>>>> -- Pierre

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2019 14:58:26 UTC