{info} EBU-TT Live Interoperability Toolkit release

[For information]


This morning there was a new release (2.1.2) of the open source EBU-TT Live Interoperability Toolkit, which supports the EBU-TT Live specification work (and will therefore in turn also support our TTML Live Extensions module).

This is intended to be the final Python 2 release, with future releases being targeted at Python 3.7+. This change is driven by Python 2 going out of official support soon.

This release is at https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/releases/tag/v2.1.2

Fixes in this release:

  *   #474<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/474> the User Input Producer served via GitHub pages now displays live messages (for handover etc) correctly.
  *   #477<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/477> no longer specify pytest-capturelog (it is not needed anymore)
  *   #490<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/490> fix the way some fixtures are called, to track changes in pytest
  *   #496<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/496> restrict autobahn version to pre-18 as a temporary fix for the way that autobahn tests work
  *   #507<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/507> interpret decimal fractions of seconds correctly when they are not 3 digits long
  *   #502<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/502> when the Resequencer issues an empty document, do not always use sequence number 1
  *   #505<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/505> the Resequencer can begin emitting documents before it has received any
  *   #447<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/447> the Resequencer now has documentation
  *   #492<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/492> when a timing type is specified in an element, do not crash
  *   #514<https://github.com/ebu/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/issues/514> issue better error messages for ERR_DOCUMENT_NOT_COMPATIBLE

The LIT home page is at http://ebu.github.io/ebu-tt-live-toolkit/ and includes links to the documentation, the code and the specifications, and there is a Slack workspace for informal discussions (let me know if you'd like to join). We have not yet updated the specification links to point to the TTML Live Extensions, but that can be done when those specifications are in a good state, perhaps published as FPWD.

In related news, the BBC has been doing work on converting EBU-TT Part 1 to EBU-TT Part 3, and from EBU-TT Part 3 to EBU-TT-D and that work is drawing to a close and we hope to issue pull requests to merge this back into the EBU repository in the near-ish future. This would, for example, provide a path for creating IMSC Text Profile conformant subtitles from live or prepared sources. The library handles temporal segmentation so that, for example, data can be prepared for MPEG-4 / ISO BMFF packaging prior to serving via a DASH or HLS manifest.


Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2019 10:34:02 UTC