Demo: Subcheck - A (TTML) Subtitle Validation Service

Dear all,


I would like to inform you about our demo access for the beta version of
"Subcheck", a subtitle validation product that has been developed by BaseX
and IRT: 


As for now, the focus of Subcheck lies on the W3C TTML Profiles IMSC 1, IMSC
1.0.1 and IMSC 1.1.  


We are very interested to understand how the TTML community could benefit
from a web-based service like Subcheck. Any feedback is therefore welcome.


Please send it to <> .


Best regards,






Andreas Tai

Production Systems Television 


Phone: +49 89 32399-389 | Fax: +49 89 32399-200

http: | Email:


IRT - Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik GmbH

R&D Institute of ARD, ZDF, DRadio, ORF and SRG/SSR

Floriansmuehlstrasse 60 

D-80939 Munich



registration court&  managing director:

Munich Commercial, RegNo. B 5191

Michael Hagemeyer



Received on Thursday, 24 May 2018 05:52:24 UTC