Call for Consensus to request transition of IMSC 1.1 to CR2


As agreed during yesterday's call<>, the open pull requests on IMSC 1.1 have been merged into the editor's draft so the complete document can be reviewed. This means that part of the normal review period for pull requests is being run simultaneously with this call for consensus to request transition.

This email is a call for consensus to request transition of IMSC 1.1 to CR2 based on the ED.

Please review the CR2 draft at with a view to agreeing with the proposal to request transition to CR2.

This email is the call for consensus that begins the countdown timer on our decision policy: if no objection to requesting transition is received by end of Friday 13th July then the Resolution is passed and I will request the transition to CR2.

The dates for deadline for comments and earliest PR in the SoTD were obtained from : please review those dates as part of your review.

For ease of reference the following pull requests were merged recently:

Merged #413 Improve description of dependent features and links to feature definitions<>
Merged #412 Make TTML2 reference dated<>
Merged #396 Apply tt:initial to extension style properties<>
Merged #411 Add support for rh/rw<>
Merged #403 Add support for tts:rubyAlign='spaceAround'<>
Merged #408 Limit number of tts:textShadow <values> to 4<>
Merged #397 Apply tts:origin constraints to tts:position<>
Merged #406 Add tts:textShadow to HRM glyph definition<>
Merged #399 Relax <annotation-position> constraints<>
Merged #400 Apply workaround to <img> resize issue<>
Merged #395 Refactor features tables<>
Merged #398 Improve accessibility of table colours<>

Kind regards,


Received on Friday, 29 June 2018 16:42:01 UTC