CfC for TTML2 CR2 closure


On Wednesday 13th June I issued a call for consensus to request transition of TTML2 to CR2 at [1], whose period has now ended.


There were no formal objections to requesting transition. However a number of issues were raised, and resolved by pull requests that were merged early, during the CfC period. I have treated those as review comments within the CfC period; many were editorial; some were substantive. Since the group was on alert to look out for those, and I provided an update half way through the CfC highlighting this, and there were no objections to proceeding, I'm closing the CfC and identifying that we have consensus to request transition to CR2.

I have noted (and so has the team) that some aspects of this have not been ideal, in particular the lack of stability of the document during the CfC review period. However examining the changes, there was only one that was a substantive change to a feature specification, pull request #833, which was merged 13 days ago.

The majority of the late changes were tweaks related to feature designators or the at risk list; feature designator changes are formally substantive but are effectively at this stage are considered a labelling and organisation change since they do not change the referenced feature specification itself. They fall into the substantive category by association with profile processing which is itself normative in the specification.

On this basis I declare:

RESOLUTION: Request transition of TTML2 to CR2

This should now allow the team to progress with processing the request, and if the Director agrees, to publish.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the review and the late tweaks.

For reference, the pull requests that were opened and merged during the CfC period were:

 15 Pull requests merged
Merged #864 Add audio features to at risk list (#863).<> 23 hours ago
Merged #855 Fix permanent link redirects.<> 3 days ago
Merged #831 Tweak dates, fix figure numbering, update changes document.<> 4 days ago
Merged #854 Add #extent-length-version-2 feature (#853).<> substantive<> 4 days ago
Merged #849 Do not extend #extent-length in defining #extent-measure (#846).<> substantive<> 5 days ago
Merged #850 Refactor #base* features (#834).<> substantive<> 5 days ago
Merged #852 Clarify semantics of implied inline animation of the same style on re…<> 5 days ago
Merged #851 Clarify that height term can mean horizontal axis in exceptional case…<> 5 days ago
Merged #848 Add `#region-implied-animation` to the at risk list.<> 6 days ago
Merged #845 Add #visibility-image, #visibility-version-2; clarify equivalence for…<> substantive<> 6 days ago
Merged #844 Add #xlink feature (#840).<> substantive<> 6 days ago
Merged #843 Refactor #textEmphasis* features to avoid negative definitions (#838,…<> substantive<> 6 days ago
Merged #842 Add feature extensions to standard profiles; minor fixes to #bidi*, #…<> 6 days ago
Merged #836 Update requirements appendix M<> 6 days ago
Merged #833 Improve constraints on 'tts:rubyPosition' usage (#832).<> substantive<> 13 days ago

Kind regards,



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Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2018 09:45:10 UTC