Re: IMSCvNEXT + CSS styling was: TTML2 wide review comment: styling

On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 3:24 PM, Pierre-Anthony Lemieux <>

> Hi David and David et al.,
> My experience with implementing imscJS [1] has been that the mapping
> from IMSC1 to CSS was mostly straightforward and accurate, with the
> exception of two features that are not available natively in CSS but
> were deemed critical to captions: linePadding and multiRowAlign.
> [1]
> In my mind, IMSCvNEXT should follow a similar pattern: mapping to
> HTML/CSS should be straightforward and accurate, with the exception of
> features that are essential to current subtitling/captioning
> practices, but not yet available in CSS. For such features, a fallback
> should be specified, and UA vendors should be encourages to support
> the feature in the future.

100% agreement.

> Best,
> -- Pierre

Received on Sunday, 1 October 2017 22:35:03 UTC