Re: 20171116 Meeting notes

Many thanks for chairing and for these notes Pierre.


On 16/11/2017, 16:53, "Pierre-Anthony Lemieux" <> wrote:

>Good morning/evening,
>Below are my notes from our earlier telecon.
>-- Pierre
>- attendees: pal, tmichel, cyril, david_ronca, glenn
>    - cyril commented on the PR
>    - AI: pal to update the PR
>- ttp:version (
>   - discussed whether absence of ttp:version should force TTML1
>processing behavior
>   - explored alternatives to ttp:version for selecting processor
>behavior, e.g. presence of mandatory TTML2 features in effective
>processor profile
>   - AI: glenn to report how ttp:version is actually used in TTT [4]
>- CSS issues
>     - pal filed three issues [1-3]
>     - AI: pal to ping CSS chairs to add issues to CSS WG agenda
>     - AI: cyril to file an issue re: ruby position
>     - AI: nigel to plan discussion at upcoming meeting re:
>interaction between writingMode and direction (CSS vs TTML2 vs XSL)
>- February F2F meeting coordination
>     - insufficient quorum to discuss

Received on Friday, 17 November 2017 11:43:12 UTC