HDR in PNG draft

Hi Chris,

The TTWG recently edited a new draft. Could you please review this 
document before the group publishes it on TR as a WG Note ?

"Using the ITU BT.2100 PQ EOTF with the PNG Format"
W3C Editor's Draft 13 April 2017

This version:

This specification defines a mechanism for storing images that use the 
Reference PQ EOTF specified in [BT2100-1] in the Portable Network 
Graphics (PNG) format (specified in [PNG]), without modification to 
existing chunks or the introduction of new chunks.

Please send comments to public-tt@w3.org with [png-hdr-pq] at the start 
of your email's subject.

Looking forward to your comments.

Thierry Michel


Received on Friday, 28 April 2017 15:32:39 UTC