{minutes} TTWG Meeting 2016-06-30

Thanks all for attending today's TTWG meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2016/06/30-tt-minutes.html

In text format:


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

30 Jun 2016

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/30-tt-irc


          Glenn, Mike, Nigel, Pierre

          Frans, Thierry, Andreas




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]This Meeting
         2. [5]TPAC 2016
         3. [6]TTML1 & TTML2 issues, actions, PRs, editorial
            actions etc
         4. [7]Profiles registry
         5. [8]IMSC
         6. [9]Unicode Liaison
         7. [10]WebVTT review feedback
     * [11]Summary of Action Items
     * [12]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribe: Nigel

This Meeting

   nigel: Thanks to Glenn for stepping in and chairing last week -
   much appreciated.
   ... I think we have a bit to cover following on from last week,
   then we're into TTML issues and the Profiles registry
   ... AOB?

   group: No AOB

   nigel: I think staff are on geek week so they won't attend - I
   had regrets from Thierry.

TPAC 2016

   nigel: This is a placeholder agenda item - anything to discuss?

   glenn: TTML2 for the agenda.
   ... Did we finalise the days of the meeting?

   nigel: I think we're still on Monday and Tuesday - I didn't any
   further action regarding
   ... the clash with the web and TV interest group.
   ... Although the clash is not ideal it's not a big enough
   problem for me to do anything about it - I can always make a
   request if it's needed.

TTML1 & TTML2 issues, actions, PRs, editorial actions etc

   nigel: Did you want to close some issues on tracker but were
   waiting for me?

   glenn: Yes, we weren't sure why the issues on the agenda were


   <trackbot> issue-224 -- Support text placement in 3D coordinate
   spaces (not zIndex compositing). -- pending review


     [13] http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/224

   nigel: It looks as though the proposal in the issue-224 branch
   in Mercurial may not have made it to github?

   glenn: It's been merged already.



     [14] https://w3c.github.io/ttml2/spec/ttml2.html#style-attribute-disparity

   nigel: I've added a note onto the github issue

   ... and propose to close the tracker issue.

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/40

   close issue-224

   <trackbot> Closed issue-224.


   <trackbot> issue-322 -- Formula for dropNTSC time expressions
   is incorrect. -- pending review


     [16] http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/322

   nigel: Is the errata text in the TTML1 errata now?

   glenn: I don't see it in the current TTML1 errata.

   nigel: I don't see it either.

   glenn: It is in the github errata but not pushed out yet.

   nigel: I've added it to the issue on github

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/issues/191


     [18] http://w3c.github.io/ttml1/spec/ttml1-errata.html

   nigel: So the final errata there isn't published at

   ... Since we've already agreed on the errata I think we just
   need to catch up and publish it.

     [19] https://www.w3.org/2013/09/ttml1-errata.html

   glenn: I also note that this errata has an update to the
   registration, and we have not yet
   ... updated this errata to match the recent discussion so we
   may need to review this and
   ... update based on what's agreed with IANA.

   mike: I'm thinking we keep the note and not put anything in

   glenn: That would be my suggestion, to have TTML2 refer to the

   mike: That's the cleaner way to do it so that TTML1 does not
   get orphaned.

   nigel: I think we've already agreed to do that.
   ... I don't want the errata to stay out of date, now that we've
   realised we have
   ... unpublished errata, and then I guess we should update again
   when we get an
   ... update from IANA.

   mike: It would be good to prompt plh to check if he has
   anything in his inbox from IANA.

   <scribe> ACTION: tmichel Publish current github errata document
   for TTML1 to include dropNTSC time expression semantic
   [recorded in

     [20] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/30-tt-minutes.html#action01]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-474 - Publish current github errata
   document for ttml1 to include dropntsc time expression semantic
   [on Thierry Michel - due 2016-07-07].

   Issue-322: Closing this as we are tracking it on github now

   <trackbot> Notes added to Issue-322 Formula for dropNTSC time
   expressions is incorrect..

   close issue-322

   <trackbot> Closed issue-322.

   nigel: On the Actions, I haven't done mine...

   glenn: Nothing to report on my two.

Profiles registry


   <trackbot> action-468 -- Philippe Le Hégaret to Add link to the
   ttml profiles registry page from the ttwg home page -- due
   2016-05-12 -- PENDINGREVIEW


     [21] http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/468

   nigel: I think this is done.
   ... I see a link from [22]https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/ to

   ... which fulfils the action.

     [22] https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/

     [23] https://www.w3.org/TR/ttml-profile-registry/

   mike: That's perfect.

   close action-468

   <trackbot> Closed action-468.

   nigel: Aside from waiting for the IANA response is there
   anything else we need to do?

   mike: I don't think so. There were a number of edits proposed,
   and aside from the clipboard
   ... one they were reasonable and I just need to implement them.

   nigel: There's an open pull request:

   ... sorry I mean

     [24] https://github.com/w3c/tt-profile-registry/pull/3

     [25] https://github.com/w3c/tt-profile-registry/pull/20

   mike: I'd prefer to process that and all the issues together
   when I get some time for that.


   pal: Nothing to discuss on this right now - I have a pull
   request to review.

Unicode Liaison

   nigel: [checks the link] No update since Pierre updated the
   ticket 2 months ago.

WebVTT review feedback

   nigel: I saw an action appear on this last week - not sure if
   there's something I should be doing?

   glenn: We were discussing the state of WebVTT and agreed that
   it would be nice if the
   ... co-chairs got a plan together because nothing is happening.

   nigel: I see that you mentioned that edits are being made.

   glenn: Thierry noted that some reviewers have commented on the
   WD and in
   ... preparation for a CR those comments need to be disclosed
   ... In other words how to get to CR.

   nigel: Okay, I see the action is on Thierry, and he hasn't
   prompted me and David yet.
   ... Since I leave the WebVTT work to David I'm sure he'll deal
   with it when the prompt
   ... comes from Thierry, one way or another.
   ... Okay, we're out of agenda items so I'll close the meeting
   now and give you all back 15 minutes. [Adjourns meeting]

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: tmichel Publish current github errata document
   for TTML1 to include dropNTSC time expression semantic
   [recorded in

     [26] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/30-tt-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [27]scribe.perl version
    1.144 ([28]CVS log)
    $Date: 2016/06/30 14:53:06 $

     [27] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm

     [28] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Thursday, 30 June 2016 15:07:56 UTC