[webvtt] 4.3.2 very few character escapes [I18N-ISSUE-430]

I18N comment: https://www.w3.org/International/track/issues/430

4.3.2 WebVTT cue text

There are escape sequences defined for six Unicode characters (&, <, >, LRM, RLM, and NBSP), but not a general purpose escape mechanism for characters. It's generally recommended that character escapes be provided so that difficult to enter or edit sequences can be introduced using a plain text editor. E.g. something like HTML's &#x123AB; syntax.

Escape sequences are particularly useful for invisible or ambiguous Unicode characters, including zero-width spaces, soft-hyphens, various bidi controls, mongolian vowel separators, etc.

For advice on use of escapes in markup, but that is mostly generalisable to other formats, see http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-escapes

Received on Friday, 20 March 2015 20:33:34 UTC