FW: [IANA #711352] Request for MIME media type Application/Standards Tree - ttml+xml

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Baber via RT [mailto:iana-mime@iana.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 1:33 AM
To: md.1@newtbt.com; nigel.megitt@bbc.co.uk; plh@w3.org
Subject: [IANA #711352] Request for MIME media type Application/Standards Tree - ttml+xml


IANA has registered the following media type with the Timed Text Working Group as a point of contact:

Application/Standards Tree - ttml+xml

Please see


If you need to update the contact information, please send a message to iana@iana.org.

Best regards,

Amanda Baber
IANA Request Specialist

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 14:21:40 UTC