ISSUE-233 (Superscript and subscript): Superscript and subscript character style []

ISSUE-233 (Superscript and subscript): Superscript and subscript character style []

Raised by: Pierre-Anthony Lemieux
On product:

[The following is extracted from the liaison received from SMPTE at]

See Section 6.4.2 at ST 428-7.

It shall be possible to apply a superscript/subscript style parameter to a <span> element, for the purpose of introducing an offset from the baseline of horizontal text.  The parameter value shall be one of "sub", "super" or "normal".

For a value of "normal", no modifications to the rendered text shall be made. 
For a value of "sub"  and "super", the baseline of the <span> element shall be offset vertically by – 0.5 em  and 0.5 em, respectively. In both cases, the font size shall be 0.6 em.

The parameter is not applicable when vertical progression is used.

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 14:25:31 UTC