ISSUE-212 (textDecoration datatype in schemas): The textDecoration datatype in XSD/RNC schemas is incorrect. []

ISSUE-212 (textDecoration datatype in schemas): The textDecoration datatype in XSD/RNC schemas is incorrect. []

Raised by: Glenn Adams
On product:

The textDecoration datatype needs to permit the following values:

  "none" |
  "underline" |
  "noUnderline" |
  "lineThrough" |
  "noLineThrough" |
  "overline" |
  "noOverline" |
  "noUnderline noLineThrough" |
  "noLineThrough noUnderline" |
  "noUnderline lineThrough" |
  "lineThrough noUnderline" |
  "underline noLineThrough" |
  "noLineThrough underline" |
  "underline lineThrough" |
  "lineThrough underline" |
  "noUnderline noOverline" |
  "noOverline noUnderline" |
  "noUnderline overline" |
  "overline noUnderline" |
  "underline noOverline" |
  "noOverline underline" |
  "underline overline" |
  "overline underline" |
  "noUnderline noLineThrough noOverline" |
  "noUnderline noOverline noLineThrough" |
  "noLineThrough noUnderline noOverline" |
  "noLineThrough noOverline noUnderline" |
  "noOverline noUnderline noLineThrough" |
  "noOverline noLineThrough noUnderline" |
  "noUnderline noLineThrough overline" |
  "noUnderline overline noLineThrough" |
  "noLineThrough noUnderline overline" |
  "noLineThrough overline noUnderline" |
  "overline noUnderline noLineThrough" |
  "overline noLineThrough noUnderline" |
  "noUnderline lineThrough noOverline" |
  "noUnderline noOverline lineThrough" |
  "lineThrough noUnderline noOverline" |
  "lineThrough noOverline noUnderline" |
  "noOverline noUnderline lineThrough" |
  "noOverline lineThrough noUnderline" |
  "noUnderline lineThrough overline" |
  "noUnderline overline lineThrough" |
  "lineThrough noUnderline overline" |
  "lineThrough overline noUnderline" |
  "overline noUnderline lineThrough" |
  "overline lineThrough noUnderline" |
  "underline noLineThrough noOverline" |
  "underline noOverline noLineThrough" |
  "noLineThrough underline noOverline" |
  "noLineThrough noOverline underline" |
  "noOverline underline noLineThrough" |
  "noOverline noLineThrough underline" |
  "underline noLineThrough overline" |
  "underline overline noLineThrough" |
  "noLineThrough underline overline" |
  "noLineThrough overline underline" |
  "overline underline noLineThrough" |
  "overline noLineThrough underline" |
  "underline lineThrough noOverline" |
  "underline noOverline lineThrough" |
  "lineThrough underline noOverline" |
  "lineThrough noOverline underline" |
  "noOverline underline lineThrough" |
  "noOverline lineThrough underline" |
  "underline lineThrough overline" |
  "underline overline lineThrough" |
  "lineThrough underline overline" |
  "lineThrough overline underline" |
  "overline underline lineThrough" |
  "overline lineThrough underline"

Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 23:28:54 UTC