What about when you have separated paint-on text into different cues?
Glenn says they don't shared state, so how would the next cue know where to paint the next word? Are you explicitly placing every single word / revealed character in Karaoke?

Glenn is correct, In the paint on case effectively the 4 cues would come out like:

T1 --> T2

T3 --> T4
Somewhere over

T5 --> T6
Somewhere over the

T6 --> T7
Somewhere over the rainbow

-----Original Message-----
From: Silvia Pfeiffer [] 
Sent: 17 June 2013 11:14
To: Sean Hayes
Cc: John Birch;
Subject: Re: WebVTT

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Sean Hayes <> wrote:
>>My question was how to have center aligned paint-on captions without moving the painted on text as it appears. But I think Glenn has answered that by saying you have both display and visibility to choose from. If you choose to set visibility, however, you have to have the whole text in the render tree - are you certain that the TTML model with successive cues allows for that?
> Yes. If you use visibility:hidden, then the invisible text is accounted for in the layout, so it will not appear to reflow, whereas display:none never shows up in the tree at all, but the render model copes with both. In both cases it is an entirely different render tree in each cue.

What about when you have separated paint-on text into different cues?
Glenn says they don't shared state, so how would the next cue know where to paint the next word? Are you explicitly placing every single word / revealed character in Karaoke?

>>I don't quite follow, but if TTML doesn't define a rendered and relies on CSS for the HTML rendering case, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a simple way.
> Not sure what you are saying here exactly, but if you have a different proposal I'd be happy to hear it, the current model however works, so there's no real reason to change.

I don't think I understand enough about TTML and how it's rendered into CSS yet to be able to make an informed proposal.


Received on Monday, 17 June 2013 10:20:30 UTC