Re: [blink-dev] WebVTT vs TTML Features

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 3:37 AM, Loretta Guarino Reid <> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Nigel Megitt <>wrote:
>> >How many of these 114 features are actually in use in the wild? WebVTT
>> >has a strong drive to only support features that are motivated by a
>> >use case. If any of these features are necessary, WebVTT can be
>> >extended to support them. Some of them (like the 'padding' above)
>> >would be fixed simply by adding the feature to the list of supported
>> >CSS properties, which takes less than 5min to fix. It would be best
>> >for us to find this out before we freeze the spec. Any input on use
>> >cases would be welcome.
>> Considering the amount of scrutiny and effort that's been put into
>> developing TTML over many years it's safest to assume that all of the
>> features have a use case/requirement within the overall scope of
>> requirements rather than starting from the opposite perspective. Different
>> subsets of these features may be needed for different parts of the entire
>> author->audience workflow.
> I would hope that the amount of scrutiny and effort that has gone in would
> make it easy to respond to this request, since you would know where the
> features are needed, hence where to look for the examples.

I would suggest folks that wish to explore this further start by reading
the Timed Text Authoring Use Cases and Requirements document at [1], which
served to drive the specification of TTML1.


Received on Monday, 9 December 2013 21:31:59 UTC