- From: Sean Hayes <Sean.Hayes@microsoft.com>
- Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 16:50:16 +0000
- To: "'public-tt@w3.org'" <public-tt@w3.org>
Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:52:19 UTC
Please NOTE the new duration is up to 120m. Our teleconference is scheduled with reference to Boston Time, the correct time of this teleconference in your locale may change. Please check http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=08&day=22&year=2013&hour=10&min=0&sec=0&p1=43 Thursdays 10:00am-12:00am Boston local Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 8865 ("TTML") IRC: server: irc.w3.org, port: 6665, channel: #tt Web gateway to :http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc Chair: Sean Hayes Agenda+ Assign Scribe Agenda+ Vacation coverage for next two weeks. Agenda+ Issues arising from IANA submission Agenda+ Font sizing discussion Agenda+ Profiles.... (Extended discussion) Including Semantics of "prohibited" features [TTML2] http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/274 Tracker (Issues and Actions): http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker TTML Wiki http://www.w3.org/wiki/TimedText
Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:52:19 UTC