Change requested on Editorial Issue for SDP-US FPWD (Section 8.1.2)

This is a revised proposal for Section 8.1.2 ( based on offline comments received.

1.       R0045
Change from: Durations (dur) shall only be used on the span element.
Change to: Durations (dur) shall be used on the span element.

2.       Informative note.

Delete existing note.

3.       Add informative note in Section 6.4.2 where content is described and examples exist.

Rollup style captions are typically characterized by words (or small groups of letters) appearing sequentially, so that a line fills up incrementally, and then as new lines are added the upper lines are scrolled out of view.

Pop on style captions are typically characterized by small blocks of text that appear all at once.

A paint-on caption typically appears on the screen one character at a time and is displayed like a pop-up caption.


Monica J Martin
Senior Program Manager
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 20:38:44 UTC