W3C copyright status of the XML (and relaxng) schemas

Sean & Philippe-


Per my AI today.


There are some implementers that would like to create derivative schemas
based on the TTML xsd files.  Due to the construction of the schemas and
reuse of the datatypes.xsd file, it is a challenge to do this by XML Schema
restriction/redefine.  And, some restricted forms are quite restricted and
thus end up being just as long as the original schema.


It would be easier and probably less error prone to create derivative xsd


The schema files themselves are not copyrighted, however the text of the
schema files is included in the TTML Recommendation.


It is unclear if the intent of the WG was to treat the schema files under
the W3C software license:



or the W3C documentation license:



Philippe made it clear today that the decision is up to the WG, so I would
like to request that the members review the above (potentially involving
legal help) and that this be on a forthcoming WG agenda.






Michael A DOLAN

Television Broadcast Technology, Inc

PO Box 190, Del Mar, CA 92014 USA

+1-858-882-7497 (m)


Received on Thursday, 10 May 2012 15:12:11 UTC