ISSUE-165 (set restrictions): allowing set to animate more than one attribute. [DFXP]

ISSUE-165 (set restrictions): allowing set to animate more than one attribute. [DFXP]

Raised by: Sean Hayes
On product: DFXP

When using the set element to model pop on type captioning, it is typical to need to change a number of styles at once; for example position, extent and display. Currently this requires one set element for each attribute.
Furthermore it is often the case that a number of these style groups are repeated.

Proposal to change <set> to allow a) more than one style attribute.

<set begin='00:00:09.000' end='00:00:09.500' s:origin='10% 20%' s:display='auto' />

b) to animate using a style reference:

       <set begin='00:00:09.000' end='00:00:09.500' style='animationStyles01' />

Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 09:59:25 UTC