RE: more profile confusion

Claro.  Thanks.  And, the answers I expected. 


But then why all the redundant redundancy in the example profiles?  This has led to others writing similarly redundant profiles.  We should provide some clarification.






From: Glenn Adams [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:45 PM
To: Michael A Dolan
Subject: Re: more profile confusion



On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Michael A Dolan <> wrote:

Either way, I am also confused about the practice of including various features concurrently – both in the Recommendation and as used by 3rd parties. I don’t know what it means to include:


1.            Both (for example): #backgroundColor and #backgroundColor-block; or

2.            All of (for example): #backgroundColor, #backgroundColor-block, #backgroundColor-inline, and #backgroundColor-region; or

3.            Both (for example):  #presentation and #core.


In #1, doesn’t #backgroundColor sweep in all semantics and placement?  If so, what does it mean to add the more restricted one? And if #backgroundColor does not include all semantics and placement, what is excluded? (This is just an example and the same question can be asked of all the #[feature]-[subset] constructions.)


specifying that #backgroundColor is required is equivalent to specifying that #backgroundColor-{block,inline,region} are required;


the reason for having the subset features is that one may not require all, e.g., may not require inline background color, but only require block and region, in which case one would specify that #backgroundColor-{block,region} are required; or if one is lazy (and willing to risk running on a presentation processor that happens to support block and region background color but not inline background color), then one could merely specify #backgroundColor as required


so in this case, specifying #backgroundColor-block is redundant


In #2, all the subset constructions are specified. How is this different from simply #backgroundColor?


no difference, specifying the subset constructions is redundant


In #3, #core is included in #presentation, so isn’t #presentation adequate?


#core is a subset of #presentation, so in specifying both the former is redundant



Received on Thursday, 15 March 2012 12:41:52 UTC