Re: ISSUE-163 (Cell units): Clarify use of cell units in certain properties [DFXP 1.0]

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:23 AM, John Birch <>wrote:

> Further: There appears to be nothing preventing the use of a fractional
> cell value for length... so 0.1c is permissible. :-)

technically, 0.1c is computable but not made explicit in the spec; it is
computable since a cell's dimension is computed from knowledge of the root
extent's dimensions, which yields a integer or real number dimensions of a
cell (in pixels)

nonetheless, we may wish to consider restricting <length> to integral
numbers for some units, e.g., px and c

Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 17:22:29 UTC