Re: style tests

On Wed, 2008-11-26 at 09:18 -0500, geoff freed wrote:
> attached are the style tests i've written to this point:
> -- backgroundColor
> -- style
> -- styling
> -- textAlign
> -- textDecoration

I committed the tests into CVS. I created a zip file containing all the
current tests:

> these tests are compatible with NCAM and Adobe players, meaning not  
> all values will be exercised (our textDecoration implementation  
> supports only "underline" and "none", for example).
> one question:  how do i know when i've written sufficient tests for  
> each attribute?

Ideally, we should try to have a 100% coverage, ie fill

but focusing on what has been implemented is a good way to start.


Received on Wednesday, 26 November 2008 15:03:37 UTC