- From: Thierry Michel <tmichel@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:53:02 +0100
- To: <public-tt@w3.org>
Minutes of TT WG Teleconference on 10/28/04 Attendees Glenn Adams (XFSI, Chair, Scribe) [GA] Mike Dolan (invited expert) [MD] Sean Hayes, Microsoft (SH) Thierry Michel (W3C) [TM] Dave Singer (Apple) [DS] Regrets Dick Bulterman (CWI) [DB] Geoff Freed (WGBH/NCAM) [GF] Erik Hodge (RealNetworks) [EH] David Kirby (BBC) [DK] ************************************************************************ 1. DFXP WD Status ************************************************************************ [GA] Process is in place to publish 1st public WD sometime next week. ************************************************************************ 2. Charter Renewal ************************************************************************ [TM] Describes options articulated in [1]. [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2004Oct/0112.html Action: [GA] To query member reflector, requesting input on option to pursue regarding charter. ************************************************************************ 3. Upcoming F2F Planning ************************************************************************ Action: [GA] To query member reflector, requesting commitments to attend meeting. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ START SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *** RESOLUTIONS *** Resolution: To advance DFXP draft 6, to be supplied by [GA] to member reflector by Noon ET Tuesday (10/26), to status of Public WD. *** NEW ACTION ITEMS *** Action: [GA] To query member reflector, requesting input on option to pursue regarding charter. Action: [GA] To query member reflector, requesting commitments to attend meeting. *** OPEN ACTION ITEMS *** Action: [EH] Provide use cases in TT context for priority class attr usage. Action: [SH] To elaborate use cases for audio embed usage. Action: [GA] to generalize and clearly articulate [MD] feedback on XBC with TT-AF structured timing as use case, then send to WG for review prior to forwarding to XBC. Action: [GA] need to document conventions regarding normative definition of element vocabulary and syntax used therein. Action: [GA] need to characterize definitions of vocabulary as normative while supplied schemas are informative. Action: [GA] review recent proposed changes regarding xml:space from XML Core Working Group with view of changing our vocabulary definitions as necessary. Action: [GA] restore nested <div/> in content model. Action: [GA] ensure that background color applies to content elements as well as region. Action: [GA] change language in vocab element defs that defines equiv class of attrs in foreign namespace to not admit unqualified attrs. Action: [GA] need to ensure that we document whether time intervals are half-opened intervals or closed. We always use half-opened intervals for [begin,end) = [begin,begin+dur). Action: [GA] ensure there is language that gives precendence to end over dur in case both are specified. Action: [GA] remove region attribute from span element. Action: [GA], prompted by [SH], need to define what is meant by begin attribute on <body>. Action: [KB] lookup whether default time container for SMIL body is seq or par. Report back by tomorrow (9/16). Action: [GA] add table indicating default values for timeContainer. Action: [GA] remove nested <span> support from schema and span element definition. Action: [GA] Update schema to permit multiple tts:* attributes on style element. Action: [GA] make style attribute IDREFS instead of ID. Action: [GA] add style attribute to <g/>. Action: [GA] change region so that it uses style attribute to refer to styles in addition to defining them inline as children. Action: [GA] need to establish precedence for different style association mechanisms as follows, with priority order as follows: (1) inline, (2) referential or chained referential, (3) region referential. In case that referential or chained referential results in a diamond graph, then last instance of style in pre-order depth first traversal wins. Action: [SH] will research issue of interaction of combination rule #2 and region referential styling. Action: [GA] add <p> and <span> to list of elements to which background-color applies Action: [GA] change initial value of color style property to transparent. [N.B. consequence of this is that unless author specifies a color, then content will be invisible.] Action: [GA] restore "inherit" value for style properties. Action: [GA] specify language about meaning of line height. Action: [GA] formulate proposal to express coordinates in rows and columns and to express total # of rows/cols for which content was composed. Action: [GA] change DFXP schema and WD to use <meta> instead of <metadata>. Action: [DK] Discuss with [MD] how to express pull-down parameters to completely characterize frame and field composition. Action: [GA] need to add following metadata items to schema and spec: ttm:frame-rate ttm:frame-width ttm:frame-height ttm:pixel-aspect-ratio ttm:content-width ttm:content-height ttm:content-x ttm:content-y ttm:horizontal-resolution ttm:vertical-resolution. Action: [GA] need to specify semantics for each metadata item, need to specify what it means if multiple items with same name are present in some context, and if not permitted, expected behavior. Action: [GA] add definitions of following metadata elements to schema and spec for DFXP: ttm:agent, ttm:name, ttm:givenName, ttm:familyName, ttm:actor. Also add ttm:agent attribute to <p> and <span>. Action: [GA] add ttm:title, ttm:description, ttm:copyright to schema and spec for DFXP. Action: [GA] ensure that all elements can also take ttm:* attributes, but need to define in context of specific elements which ones have standard semantics. Action: [GA] define semantics of ttm:agent metadata attribute such that inner specifications override outer specifications, e.g., Action: [GA] change text-shadow to text-outline with value syntax as follows: none | <color> <thickness> <blur-radius>, where thickness and blur-radius are expressed as <length>. Action: [GA] add span to wrap-option "applies to". Action: [GA] for each AFXP style property that we don't include in DFXP, need to specify a normative default value for DFXP, but do so in a way that doesn't require normative use of AFXP specification. Action: [GA] since <color>s are opaque, need to say so in verbiage. Action: [GA] Remove misspelled "monotype" entry from <generic-family- name>, and replace it with "default". All other entries are also to be removed for present time. Action: [GA] Add row/col units to <length> style value expression. Action: [GA] Ensure that if we define overflow="clip" on region that we say that outermost region is expected to be clipped in all cases. Action: [GA] change overflow attribute on region to use tts:overflow style property, which applies only to region, and which supports values: visible, hidden, inherit. Action: [GA] Change clock-value syntax to support expressing optional frames and subframes in order to express NPT media times. Define clock value semantically to be NPT for TT media object. Remove optional "+" value from offset-expression (in which case we don't need "offset- expression" intermediate term). Action: [GA] allow style to use style attribute to refer to other styles, since we effectively now allow <style> to work like a group of styles. Action: [GA] remove "div" from display-align's applies to list. Can't apply to div since div has no explicit height/width. Action: [GA] Add ttm:default-time-metric metadata item. Takes values that are one of time-count metric, e.g., "h", "m", "s", "f", etc. Action: [GA] send John's document to WG reflector, then (at some point in future) ask him to send to public list so it can be handled as public submission. Action: [GA] Add informative Annex to DFXP spec which enumerates the requirements of TT-AF-1-0-REQ which are intentionally not intended to be met in DFXP. Action: [KB] Review the March 2002 TT Task Force requirements to see if the current TT-AF-1-0-REQ does not include all those earlier requirements, and if not, then make a case for including in TT-AF-1-0-REQ. [TM] will help as required and report back to WG. Action: [DB] to send draft intro text with example by Monday (10/04). Action: [MD] to send normative text descriptions of SMPTE marker labels. Will send after returning from vacation in a week's time. Action: [DS] to send font registration I-D to IETF editors for publishing. Action: [MD] to send normative text descriptions of SMPTE marker labels. Will send after returning from vacation in a week's time. Action: [GA] To make necessary chanes to DFXP draft to support ttm:desc and ttm:title in contexts where tt:meta can appear. Action: [GA] To send minutes with attached lastest draft (in the form of an "editor's copy") of DFXP to public TT reflector by end of day on Oct 18 unless objection arises from some member. Action: [GA] send email to reflector on need to distinguish between outer media time and timebase time (based on parent relationships); issue is as follows: if you have begin="00:00:01", then does this denote 1 sec in time base established by parent element, or does it denote 1 sec into the TT media object (independently of parent timebases)? Can one mix both timebase times and outer media times? Action: [GA] to complete DFXP draft 6 and sent to member reflector by noon ET on Tuesday, 10/26/04, then work with [TM] to request publishing as Public WD. Action: [TM] to draft request for [GA] to send to appropriate parties to begin process of advancing DFXP to public WD. *** OPEN ISSUES *** See Issue DB. *** Upcoming Meetings *** Normal Telecon Schedule 11/30 - 12/02 Reading, UK (Tentative; MSFT hosting) *** URIs *** [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2004Oct/0112.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thierry MICHEL W3C/ERCIM
Received on Friday, 18 February 2005 16:53:12 UTC