[DFXP Last Call] identify transcription text


Please refer to the 'ttm:role' attribute as defined in the curent Timed Text
DFXP specification.


A caucus of WCAG and UAAG participants concluded that they might want
an explicit 'transcription' value for such a role.




User agents need clear indications in the format of what text
corresponds to speech in some corresponding audio segment. This is
needed in order for the User Agents to satisfy UAAG Checkpoint 2.3.


We realize that the DFXP will most often be transcoded into another
format before transmission to the User Agent. However, in order for
the transmitted form to have this information, the distribution
format must be clear on this point for the transcoded results to
convey the right information.

Is this information recognizable from the existing format as it stands?
If so, how?

Or should the 'ttm:role' attribute have a value of 'transcription' defined?


/chair, Protocols and Formats WG
This comment has rough consensus support within the WG

Received on Monday, 25 April 2005 18:58:01 UTC