- From: Thierry MICHEL <tmichel@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 00:31:15 +0200
- To: public-tt@w3.org
Minutes of TT WG Teleconference on 03/10/05 Attendees Glenn Adams (XFSI, Chair, Scribe) [GA] Sean Hayes (Microsoft) [SH] Erik Hodge (RealNetworks) [EH] David Kirby (BBC) [DK] Thierry Michel (W3C) [TM] Dave Singer (Apple) [DS] Regrets Mike Dolan (invited expert) [MD] Geoff Freed (WGBH/NCAM) [GF] ************************************************************************ 1. Status of 2nd Public Draft ************************************************************************ [GA] Draft sent to publications; awaiting time slot on 14th (next Monday for publishing). [GA] Raises question of timing for LC; original plan was to publish on 18th: is this feasible? [TM] Process does not prevent us from quick turn around to publish LC. Conclusion: Stay the course with plans for 2nd WD on 14th and LC on 18th. ************************************************************************ 2. F2F Logistics ************************************************************************ [TM] Only 2 registrants so far. [GA] Encourages members to register. Will also reiterate invitation to those who registered as observers for the canceled Mar 3-4 meeting. [DS] Can accommodate 10-15 with no problem. [SH] Will arrive at noon or later on Monday due to flight schedule. [GA] Working on agenda, which will focus on (in priority order): * DFXP LC Comments * DFXP Testing * AFXP [GA] Is working on draft for AFXP for presentation on/before F2F. It will be in the form of a delta upon DFXP. ************************************************************************ 3. Action Items ************************************************************************ [GA] Noted review of action items (by chair) sent in last telecon minutes. Asks group to agree to removing closed/done actions: no objections. Will update action item list in this minutes thereby. ************************************************************************ 4. Open Issues (Not Discussed) ************************************************************************ 1. [DS] doesn't like example of multiple <set>s to show a fade. 2. [DS] whether to permit expressing durations in real or media time while operating in discontinuous SMPTE marker mode; [GA] suggest we (continue to) rule out durations while operating in discontinous mode; 3. [MD] wants to see buffer model characterized in streaming annex; [GA] we could add a number of parameters that characterize certain maximums that are relevant to buffering and processing on a user agent, such as (where max* means the maximum of some value that applies at a given instant in time): * ttp:maxRegions -- max regions at one time * ttp:maxStyles -- max styles that apply to content at one time * ttp:maxCharacters -- max chars to be displayed at one time * ttp:maxPixels -- max pixels of regions at one time 4. [GA] there may be some authoring confusion around having a general ttm:agent attribute for content, but then having a local (unqualfieid) agent attribute for the ttm:actor element. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ START SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *** RESOLUTIONS *** *** NEW ACTION ITEMS *** *** CURRENT ACTION ITEMS *** Action: [SH] To elaborate use cases for audio embed usage. Action: [GA] to generalize and clearly articulate [MD] feedback on XBC with TT-AF structured timing as use case, then send to WG for review prior to forwarding to XBC. Action: [GA] change language in vocab element defs that defines equiv class of attrs in foreign namespace to not admit unqualified attrs. Action: [GA] need to ensure that we document whether time intervals are half-opened intervals or closed. We always use half-opened intervals for [begin,end) = [begin,begin+dur). Action: [GA] ensure there is language that gives precendence to end over dur in case both are specified. Action: [GA] formulate proposal to express coordinates in rows and columns and to express total # of rows/cols for which content was composed. Partially done. Needs more work. Action: [GA] ensure that all elements can also take ttm:* attributes, but need to define in context of specific elements which ones have standard semantics. Action: [GA] define semantics of ttm:agent metadata attribute such that inner specifications override outer specifications, e.g., Action: [GA] for each AFXP style property that we don't include in DFXP, need to specify a normative default value for DFXP, but do so in a way that doesn't require normative use of AFXP specification. Action: [GA] since <color>s are opaque, need to say so in verbiage. Action: [GA] Ensure that if we define overflow="clip" on region that we say that outermost region is expected to be clipped in all cases. Action: [KB] Review the March 2002 TT Task Force requirements to see if the current TT-AF-1-0-REQ does not include all those earlier requirements, and if not, then make a case for including in TT-AF-1-0-REQ. [TM] will help as required and report back to WG. Action: [GA] To verify that TTPRO DB is well configured to handle DFXP comments. Action: [DK] To help verify that TTPRO DB is populated with open DFXP issues. Action: [SH] to submit message to reflector on text-outline issue; Action: [KB] to review metadata for content adaptation workshop presentations [15] to see if there is relevant input to our work on DFXP. Action: [GA] add language under namespace and/or conventions section that indicates that if an element type is used unqualified in spec then it is in tt: namespace. Action: [GA] further research required on quoted-string. Action: [DK]|[GF] respond to query at [2]. Action: [GA] to incorporate new tts:direction and tts:unicodeBidi sample images provided by [GF]. Action: [GF] Supply image examples for tts:dynamicFlow, working with John Birch as necessary. *** OPEN ISSUES *** See Issue DB. *** Upcoming Meetings *** Next telecon will be 03/17. F2F - Apr 11-13/2005 - Mt View, CA (Apple) *** URIs *** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Received on Monday, 11 April 2005 22:31:19 UTC