- From: Thierry MICHEL <tmichel@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 15:44:03 +0200
- To: <public-tt@w3.org>
Minutes of TT WG Teleconference on 03/25/04 Attendees Glenn Adams (XFSI, Chair, Scribe) [GA] Geoff Freed (WGBH/NCAM, scribe) [GF] Erik Hodge (RealNetworks) [EH] David Kirby (BBC) [DK] Thierry Michel (W3C) [TM] Dave Singer (Apple) [DS] Regrets Mike Dolan (invited expert) [MD] Sean Hayes, Microsoft (SH) ************************************************************************ Agenda ************************************************************************ 1. Test Suites 2. Meta-Data Follow-Up 3. Review Input from Roberto Scano 4. Action Item Review 5. Upcoming F2F Planning ************************************************************************ 1. Test Suites ************************************************************************ [TM] Reviews test suite scenarios. Suggests a lighter track process than was done with RDF, to publish 2 public documents: TT test suite, TT impl and interop report. For each module, a set of tests, for each test an association of an assertion (expected behavior) and optional graphic (png or svg). Another doc would be implementation report based on test suite; goal is that all features are implemented. For each feature, at least two implementations must implement. Included in email references to work done on SMIL in this area. [GA] Describes distinction between testing behavior at DF and AF layers. [TM] Describes intent of test suites as mechanism for providing assurance to W3M that technical specification is coherent, implementable, and implemented. Resolution: In the specification, provide two pieces of information for each feature: (1) a fragment of a sample document that demonstrates expression of feature, and (2) a hyperlink to either a fully worked out test document or another descriptive document that describes test document and points to test document. Action: [*] For module owners, start developing test suite documents that have feature tests in all necesary context, and no superfluous context. Follow-on for primary spec editor will be to incorporate fragments from these cases, but that will be subsequent to publishing first internal draft of integrated spec. ************************************************************************ 2. Review Descriptive Vocabulary [DK] ************************************************************************ [DK] Reviews work on metadata items. [DK] Asks [GF] about "caption". Need to distinguish between open and closed. Visualizes after start of program, captions are created from text; where would you markup text as being "closed" caption? [DK] Mentions example of referring to another caption file as source used to create TT. [GA] Suggests being handled through application specific metadata. [GF] Withdraw email comment. [DK] How far do we go with marking up open captions, i.e., burned in text, e.g., title, credits, ...? [GA] Suggests something very general. [GA] Suggests attributes for each descriptive metadata item, in its own namespace (http://www.w3.org/YYYY/MM/tt-af-1-0#metadata), such as: ttm:caption ttm:action (1) need to define syntactic formulation, proposal here is use global attributes, in TT metadata namespace; (2) need to define set of initial attributes; (3) need to define elts to which they apply and are semantically relevant; need to define which layers apply (LF, PF, NF), need to say if semantically relevant at one level but not another; (4) need to define attribute value spaces and semantics for each attribute value; Action: [DK] to propose set of DM attributes and provide one paragraph description for each DM attribute. Begin of process of defining value spaces for each attribute. [GF] Re: kinesic, isn't sure where it is useful for foreign language subtitles to have description of actions. However, there are some contexts where this might be useful for accessibility reasons. ************************************************************************ 3. Discuss Input from Roberto Scano ************************************************************************ [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2004Mar/0041.html [GA] Asks for volunteers to review and make proposal. None at this time. ************************************************************************ 4. Action Item Review ************************************************************************ Ran out of time. ************************************************************************ 3. Next Meetings ************************************************************************ Normal weekly telecon schedule (Noon Eastern Time); note change in European times this coming weekend and US in following weekend. May 10-12 F2F Amsterdam (CWI); start 10:30AM on 10th, end 1800h on 12th Jun 22-24 F2F Mt View, CA (Microsoft) Regrets for [DK] for 04/01/03 Telecon. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ START SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *** RESOLUTIONS *** Resolution: In the specification, provide two pieces of information for each feature: (1) a fragment of a sample document that demonstrates expression of feature, and (2) a hyperlink to either a fully worked out test document or another descriptive document that describes test document and points to test document. *** OPEN ACTION ITEMS *** Action: [SH] Will investigate use of media queries in this context and report back. Action: [DS with help of Paul Nelson and Peter Lofting] Write RFC to register appropriate opentype/truetype font types as MIME media types, suggest model of "application/font-<font-type-name>", e.g., "application/font-truetype". Action: [GA] Make proposal regarding use of Xlink vocabulary or "src" attribute. Action: [GF] Investigate whether to use IRIs instead of URIs? Note: XPointer and Namespaces in 1.1 use IRIs? Action: [SH] Investigate use of "role" vs "class" attribute. Action: [GF] Investigate mechanism for cascading semantics and whether to support cascading on either or both logical and presentation flowed vocabularies. Action: [GA] Draft new requirement on "Integrability" in general terms that should not impact testing or implementation requirements. Action: [GA] incorporate agreed changes into TT-AF-1-0-REQ in preparation for publishing final W3C Note. Action: [SH] will review and propose subset of aural parameters (see R305). Action: [GA] Add figure showing logical structure anticipated by requirements. Action: [GA] Add note to R217 and R219 that shows use of data: URI scheme. Action: [TM] Find out if xpointer() scheme WD [1] is still being progressed forward. [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr-xpointer/#document-order-notation Action: [SH] to propose subset with extensions for use in CS Profile. Action: [GA]/[GF] investigate syntax for regions vis-a-vis style. Action: [DK] To write up short paragraph on uses of role tokens. Suggest removing or adding as he progresses. Action: [TM] to propose and define standard MD attributes. Action: [*] Think about standard MD items (and write something down and send to list so we can think about it too). Action: [GA] Need to start planning for June meeting in Japan! Action: [GA] Post edited draft minutes for previous F2F (02/04) for review. Action: [TM] consult with W3C Legal to determine whether requirements exist to explicitly obtain disclosure from past and current public comments that have resulted in requirements, etc., specifically, requirement R307. Note that this question is in regard to current TTWG status under CPP. Action: [TM] review test suites developed by RDF WG, which focused on authorial intent, to see if some concepts and methodology can be reused in TTWG context. Action: [TM] Will research CR exit criteria and make proposal. Action: [SH] to draft standard ready text for subset of xquery. Action: [GA] post example file to member reflector. Action: [DS] Based on email of 01/14, integrate with fillBehavior as described in example. Action: [SH] make proposal regarding keeping or removing float style parameters. Action: [*] For module owners, start developing test suite documents that have feature tests in all necesary context, and no superfluous context. Follow-on for primary spec editor will be to incorporate fragments from these cases, but that will be subsequent to publishing first internal draft of integrated spec. Action: [DK] to propose set of DM attributes and provide one paragraph description for each DM attribute. Begin of process of defining value spaces for each attribute. *** OPEN ISSUES *** Issue: Whether to use XLink vocabulary, e.g., as used consistently by SVG, or use "src" attribute as apparently will be done in XHTML2? Issue: Whether to use IRIs instead of URIs? Note: XPointer and Namespaces in 1.1 use IRIs? Issue: Should we use "class" instead of "role"? Issue: Probably want to permit in logical content mode the selection of content based on generic XML features of non-TT namespace descriptive markup, e.g., for applying style and timing semantics, in which case an appropriate TT container element shall be implied based on nearest ancestor TT namespace element. Issue: Need to think about cascading semantics; how to express, how to apply, etc. Possibly use CSS semantics here as well. Issue (2004-03-05): Whether to allow block as immediate child of inline? N.B. XSL-FO does allow this. [GA] showed example of renmoji (horizontal block in vertical Japanese lines). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END SUMMARY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thierry MICHEL W3C/ERCIM
Received on Monday, 26 April 2004 09:46:44 UTC