Minutes - 04/10/03 Telecon

Minutes of TT WG Teleconference on 04/10/03


  Glenn Adams (XFSI, Chair, Scribe) [GA]
  Geoff Freed (WGBH/NCAM, Invited Expert) [GF1]
  Dave Singer (Apple) [DS]
  Erik Hodge (RealNetworks) [EH]
  Mike Dolan (invited expert) [MD]
  Thierry Michel (W3C) [TM]


  Gerry Field (WGBH/NCAM, Invited Expert) [GF2]
  George Kerscher (Daisy) [GK]
  Markus Gylling (Daisy) [MG]
  Markku Hakkinen (JSRPD) [MH]
  Brad Botkin (WGBH/NCAM) [BB]


  Patrick Schmitz (Ludicrum, Invited Expert) [PS]


1. Request for Date Change of next face-to-face to June 11-12.
2. Open Action Items (see below).
3. Open Issues (see below).
4. Review of TT-AF-1-0-REQ Dated 04/08/03.

1. Date of Face to Face

Wait until tomorrow 1700h E/T to see if there are any others with a
problem, otherwise will change.

2. Action Items Review

A-1: [GA] to send email to author of editors home page to suggest
adding list of available XSLT transforms for xmlspec.


A-2: [GA] to discuss possible use of XML 1.1 with HTML CG.


A-3: [BB1]/[GF1] finish analysis of "Tentative Core Style Property

Will finish by next week.

A-4: [DS] to propose scroll (motion) animation markup.


A-5: [MH] to propose hilite animation markup.


A-6: [GA] to create public accessible biblio page based on reference
list from [DS] and reference from member and public home pages.

Not done. Continue.

3. Open Issue Review

I-1: Whether to support xhtml entity sets?

Tentative Resolution: Support all three entity sets from xhtml, pending
discovery of any technical problems.

I-2: How to handle highlighting?

[DS] Asks whether we are talking about author side or user agent hiliting
(e.g., for selection).

[GA] Author side (e.g., karaoke mode).

4. Review TT-AF-1-0-REQ (04/08/03 Version)

[GA] Reviews document in general. Solicits members to review and

Resolution:  Accept working title of TT-AF-1-0-REQ as indicated.

New Issues

I-3: Expand list of targetable transform formats (R109).

I-4: Need forumlation of content/authoring accessibility (R111).

I-5: Need to discuss embedded graphics (R214).

I-6: Do we want to support external graphics?

I-7: Need to discuss embedded fonts (R215).

I-8: Do we want to support external font resources?

I-9: Need refinement of semantic vocabulary for R216.

I-10: Need to agree on use of XLink for referencing (R292, R293).

I-11: Need to discuss additional style parameters (R305): baseline
related, border, margin, padding, etc.

I-12: Need to define interaction of time containers with content
containment structure.

I-13: [DS] Under R211, do we want to support an intermediate mode where
bidi and glyph sub still occur post authoring?

ADJOURNS at 1300h Eastern Time (US)



Tentative Resolution: Support all three entity sets from xhtml, pending
discovery of any technical problems.

Resolution:  Accept working title of TT-AF-1-0-REQ as indicated.


A-3: [BB1]/[GF1] finish analysis of "Tentative Core Style Property

A-4: [DS] to propose scroll (motion) animation markup.

A-5: [MH] to propose hilite animation markup.

A-6: [GA] to create public accessible biblio page based on reference
list from [DS] and reference from member and public home pages.


I-2: How to handle highlighting?

I-3: Expand list of targetable transform formats (R109).

I-4: Need forumlation of content/authoring accessibility (R111).

I-5: Need to discuss embedded graphics (R214).

I-6: Do we want to support external graphics?

I-7: Need to discuss embedded fonts (R215).

I-8: Do we want to support external font resources?

I-9: Need refinement of semantic vocabulary for R216.

I-10: Need to agree on use of XLink for referencing (R292, R293).

I-11: Need to discuss additional style parameters (R305): baseline
related, border, margin, padding, etc.

I-12: Need to define interaction of time containers with content
containment structure.

I-13: [DS] Under R211, do we want to support an intermediate mode where
bidi and glyph sub still occur post authoring?


Received on Thursday, 22 May 2003 09:25:30 UTC