Re: Why use time as a unit of measurement? (was: Proposal 0.0)

Hi Dave

Dave Singer wrote:

> and a timecode stream.  If we are talking about discontinuous 'tags' 
> it is much better to talk about it as a timecode stream, in my opinion. 

Using a timecode stream is a solution. I think I am not yet at this 
level of specificity.
What is this discontinuity thing ? You just want to specifiy a list of 
segments to play, period.

>> (actually, possibly many audio and subtitles), should be playable in 
>> sync, whatever part is played in whatever sequence
>> 2- a movie should be playable according to an edit list
> ah, it's more subtle.  He wants to be able to edit, not the whole 
> layup, but just the a/v/timecode part, and then lay in the text 
> stream, and still have it line up with the right timecodes. 

Why is it different from an edit list (using the QT terminology) ? Or a 
list of segments to play (using the MPEG-4 OD terminology).

> I see 2 very much as a composition (temporal composition) requirement. 

I fully agree, but it is a requirement at the movie level, not at the TT 
level. The same is true for audio and video. A solution for the 
audio/video thing can be applied to the AVT triplet.

Best regards

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 16:01:28 UTC