Minutes - 07/31/03 Telecon

Minutes of TT WG Teleconference on 07/31/03


  Glenn Adams (XFSI, Chair, Scribe) [GA]
  Dave Singer (Apple) [DS]
  Sean Hayes (Microsoft) [SH]
  Thierry Michel (W3C) [TM]
  Erik Hodge (RealNetworks) [EH]


  Mike Dolan (Invited Expert) [MD]
  Markus Gylling (Daisy) [MG]
  Geoff Freed (WGBH/NCAM, Invited Expert) [GF1]
  David Kirby (BBC) [DK]
  Markku Hakkinen (JSRPD) [MH]


  Gerry Field (WGBH/NCAM, Invited Expert) [GF2]
  George Kerscher (Daisy) [GK]
  Brad Botkin (WGBH/NCAM) [BB]


1. R209 - Whether to include or exclude paragraph item

Resolution: Leave paragraph in R209.

2. ISO Standards Update

[DS] ITU-T SG9 adopts in J.123 ISO MPEG4 Media File Format and 3GPP Timed
Text, adopted a minor extension to permit software wrapping; MPEG4 also
has a stream format for timed text; some people at 3GPP would like a RTP
format for timed text; question, should there be a general format that
can take different types of timed text or only for 3GPP TT? In future,
we probably want to do something to support a binary payload in RTP.

3. Action Items

[GA] Doesn't have materials to do full review today (on the road);
reminds [EH] regarding input on changes to "Description" use-case
scenario. [GA] is in process of incorporating other errata from [EH].
Will try to have an outline for the draft spec *real soon now*.

4. F2F Reminder

[TM] Requests [SH] to send logistic info for meeting and reminds
participants to register.

ADJOURNS at 1220h Eastern Time (US)



Resolution: Leave paragraph item in R209.


Action: [GA] To construct table of features/requirements for which we
need a volunteer to provide example(s). Also solicit examples based
on existing systems, such as 3GPP, AML, SAMI, etc.

Action: [SH] Will cook AML example as SAMI as a variant example.

Action: [MG] Will contribute Daisy timed text example.

Action: [GA] Will contribute some examples showing generic timed text.

Action: [TM] Will contribute generic example.

Action: [EH] Provide input on typos.

Action: [GA] Rewrite paragraph <-> block mapping in R211 now that we've
removed paragraph.

Action: [GA] Add to 2nd note under R306 that break-* applies to inline

Action: [GA] Draft System Model (Section 1.2) and accept redlines to
produce next draft.

Action: [GA] Draft outline for TT-AF-1-0 document. Solicit volunteers
to begin drafting sections.

Action: [GA] Put index.html (or equiv) into aml directory to fix.

Action: [TM] To change option on F2F registration to not send
confirmation to member list.



*** URIS ***


Received on Thursday, 7 August 2003 13:58:09 UTC