Re: 16th TREE CG meeting

Dear all,

Thanks for attending today’s meeting. A new version of the spec has been 
published and release notes have been added in the release on Github:

Further notes:

  * By next time, Pieter will start working on a PR to split off and 
rework discovery in its own spec

  * A PR with a JSON-LD context can also be created

  * The JSON-LD profile for faster parsing of members has been deemed 
not high enough in priority at this moment. If someone wants to have a 
go at this, it will be welcomed as a contribution though. Mind to not 
conflate the profile with the term “framing” as it got nothing to do 
with the framing algorithm.

  * We would also welcome a PR that works on the examples that are 
closer to the actual spec as a start towards a standardized test suite.

Kind regards,


On 2/04/2024 13:39, Pieter Colpaert wrote:
> Dear TREE CG members,
> Tomorrow we have our 16th TREE CG meeting at 14:00 CET on the usual 
> Teams link 
> <,%2522Oid%2522:%2522074b6191-940e-49de-964e-f2919f3f8501%2522%257D&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw1Vi2FNLxrZm76Y1WVfqain>.
> We have a couple of pull requests to go through. If you can already 
> review these before the meeting tomorrow, that would be great!
>  1. fix: - 
> Should be ready for merge
>  2. Redirection note fixed: 
> - Should be ready for 
> merge
>  3. I’m currently still working on the separation of the shape 
> templates algorithm from the rest of the spec. PR can be found here 
> - I hope it’s going 
> to be ready by tomorrow
> Kind regards,
> Pieter
> -- 
> +32486747122


Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2024 13:57:41 UTC