- From: Pieter Colpaert <pieter.colpaert@ugent.be>
- Date: Wed, 24 May 2023 16:35:52 +0200
- To: public-treecg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <0a4d23d1-df5a-093f-d38a-9759a222ccb9@ugent.be>
Hi all, First things first: next call will be the *7th of June at 15:00 CET* and will last for 90 minutes. Thank you for a very productive first CG call! Attendees: * Wout Slabbinck: PhD student UGent, working on Solid and LDES * Thomas Bergwinkl: TopQuadrant → used it for pagination * Julián Rojas: late stage PhD student - using the LDF concepts * Arthur Vercruysse: early stage PhD student UGent: continuous publishing and automating pipelines * Pieter Colpaert * Sander Van Dooren: architect at Digital Flanders Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OVR5yEQPPBGzaYrE8EhnxTtW2BTBa6ZTUPmEsijVVPs/edit#slide=id.g2494e1ca6ae_0_0 (we had to stop at slide 20 due to time constraints) Use cases: Thomas B indicated he needs sorting/fragmenting by IRI. Issue 71: member extraction algorithm - https://github.com/TREEcg/specification/issues/71 * **Out of band members** * **dereference members view flag** * proposal in a view description? Shouldn't this be part of the client? * Maybe [CBD](https://www.w3.org/Submission/CBD/) + shapes is a solution so you don't need dereferencing * Thomas will add a comment to the issue * test case will be created of the example at slide 14 Proposal not accepted: let’s see first whether we can realize this equally as well by interpreting the shacl shape **Does not support inverse relations** (or disjoint member triples) * **a named graph based tree:Collection** * `tree:namedGraphMembers` property/flag * either you use named graphs or you don't * extract members from the named graph * one graph contains one member * counterproposal from Thomas * use a class instead of a property `<c1> a tree:NamedGraphCollection.` * when using an LDES, just use both `<c1> a tree:NamedGraphCollection, ldes:EventStream` The latter (introducing the class) has been accepted by all attendees. We had to stop at slide 20, and will continue these discussion on the 7th of June. Kind regards, Pieter On 24/05/2023 14:37, Pieter Colpaert wrote: > > Hi all, > > The slides for the meeting in 20 minutes can be found here: > https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OVR5yEQPPBGzaYrE8EhnxTtW2BTBa6ZTUPmEsijVVPs/edit#slide=id.g2494e1ca6ae_0_0 > > Kind regards, > > Pieter > > On 23/05/2023 10:31, Pieter Colpaert wrote: >> >> Hi all, >> >> Tomorrow *the 24th of May from 15:00 to 16:00 CET *we have our first >> community group call! >> >> Agenda >> >> 1. Introductions: who is who >> >> 2. Issue 71 (https://github.com/TREEcg/specification/issues/71): the >> member extraction algorithm → Pieter Colpaert will introduce the >> motivation and reasoning behind a well-defined member extraction >> algorithm, and introduce a proposal to also add named graph based >> members. >> >> 3. Issue 74 (https://github.com/TREEcg/specification/issues/74): >> removing support for imports → Pieter Colpaert will introduce the >> issue. When agreed, he will proceed removing imports from the spec. >> >> 4. Any other business: remarks on running the group, >> implementations, issue prioritization, the next call, etc. >> >> Call details: >> >> ________________________________________________________________________________ >> >> Microsoft Teams meeting >> >> *Join on your computer, mobile app or room device* >> >> _Click here to join the meeting_ >> <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDkwMWZlMzMtM2FjZi00MjZhLTlhZTMtNjAwMjU5Yjc3YWVi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a72d5a72-25ee-40f0-9bd1-067cb5b770d4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22074b6191-940e-49de-964e-f2919f3f8501%22%7d> >> >> Meeting ID: 327 040 585 961 >> >> Passcode: iFGKGo >> >> _Download Teams_ >> <https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app> >> | _Join on the web_ >> <https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting> >> >> *Join with a video conferencing device* >> >> teams@vc.imec.be >> >> Video Conference ID: 121 504 172 3 >> >> _Alternate VTC instructions_ >> <https://vc.imec.be/teams/?conf=1215041723&ivr=teams&d=vc.imec.be&ip=> >> >> _Learn More_ >> <https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> >> | _Meeting options_ >> <https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=074b6191-940e-49de-964e-f2919f3f8501&tenantId=a72d5a72-25ee-40f0-9bd1-067cb5b770d4&threadId=19_meeting_NDkwMWZlMzMtM2FjZi00MjZhLTlhZTMtNjAwMjU5Yjc3YWVi@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US> >> >> Kind regards, >> >> Pieter Colpaert >> >> -- >> https://pietercolpaert.be/ >> +32486747122 > -- > https://pietercolpaert.be/ > +32486747122 -- https://pietercolpaert.be/ +32486747122
Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 14:36:05 UTC