11th TREE CG meeting: the last one of 2023

Hi all,

Call link for tomorrow at 14:00 CET: 

It would be an amazing end of the year gift if we would be able to make 
progress tomorrow on the subset relation. We’ll take that as a main point.

Reminder of smaller TODOs:

  * Sander Van Dooren to report on 

  * Pieter Colpaert to report on 
https://github.com/TREEcg/specification/issues/86 and 
https://github.com/TREEcg/specification/issues/92 (I didn’t do anything 
on this yet, I hope I find some extra time before tomorrow)

Some points we will not be discussing and we will need to tackle in the 
new year:

  * Side note on issues #76 and #77: Qualified values were at some point 
part of the spec - not sure anymore why they were removed, but still 
seems like an interesting idea to Pieter: 

  * Standardized test suite: 

  * Can we remove conditional imports cfr. issue #90?

  * I’d love to have activity pub and other activitystreams based specs 
(such as for example event notifications and IIIF Change Discovery) work 
with TREE clients. Therefore we’ll need to introduce some extra 
compatibility text on collections.

What a productive year for the TREE spec it has been! Looking forward to 

Kind regards,



Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2023 09:01:46 UTC