Call on Wednesday 30th of August at 14:00 CEST

Hi all,

Tomorrow at 14:00 CEST we meet on this link:

You can find a link to the slides here:

It provides functionality for: 0) extracting quads with CBD i) 
dereferencing members without quads in the page itself, ii) 
dereferencing nodes with quads partially out of the page, iii) 
extracting member quads from a named graph, iv) extracting by taking 
hints from shape templates.

I elaborated most on the last case, as i - iii has not triggered a lot 
of controversy and were most clear. Shape Templates now provides I 
believe a limited yet powerful set of instructions for more hierarchical 

It also provides an answer to questions bellow:

  1. I found a better heuristic to handle sh:or and sh:xone

  2. Internal identifier for the members: concat(collection IRI, focus 
node IRI)

I did not yet start work on doing proposals for state bookmarks for the 
purpose of resuming.

I did not yet adapt the pull request, I first want to get an ACK on the 

Kind regards,


On 22/08/2023 16:18, Pieter Colpaert wrote:
> Hi all,
> We’re still working on the member extraction algorithm. On Wednesday 
> the 30th of August we’re continuing the conversation.
> *Would it be possible to take this one at 14:00 instead of 15:00? 
> *Please send me a note if this doesn’t work for you and then we leave 
> it at 15:00.
> Train of thought for the member extraction algorithm during previous 
> meeting:
>  1. Include triples in named graph that equals the tree:member object
>  2. Using CBD on the tree:member object (starshape + recursive blank 
> nodes)
>  3. Somehow use the SHACL shape to go deeper than just the tree:member 
> object.
> The difficulty with point 3:
> How to deal with SHACL conditionals: do we validate the full SHACL 
> conditional in order to know which of the sh:xone for example is the 
> one, or do we not validate it, and thus process it as if it’s an AND, 
> leading to potentially too many HTTP requests done? Trade-off here is 
> performance (we want to avoid unnecessary HTTP calls) vs. ease for 
> developers. When choosing the latter, we can of course always document 
> that using conditionals with TREE collections is not recommended, but 
> then still it would
> Further issues:
>  * How to create an internal identifier for the set of quads that were 
> extracted
>  * Standardizing an iterator to indicate how far you processed a 
> certain tree:Collection or LDES. This is an LDES issue, but Sander 
> mentioned this could probably be generalized to TREE.
> Kind regards,
> Pieter
> -- 
> +32486747122


Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2023 19:16:40 UTC