Call on Wednesday 16 of August: link and agenda

Hi all,

On *the 16th,  from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST *we have the fourth community 
group call! Mind that you’ll have to add this yourself to your schedules 
(→ do this now - call-link (see below) stays the same).

We have two points on the agenda:

  1. The member extraction algorithm: findings from CBD + SHACL 
presented by me (work in progress see

In short: this is actually better than I expected - if we can agree on 
what specific subset of SHACL to support, then we know exactly when we 
need to do an extra HTTP request, and automatically support named 
graphs, RDF*, reification, etc, without the need for extra properties a 
proposed earlier.

  2. Issue prioritization and next call

See you on Wednesday!

Kind regards,


Call details bellow ↓


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Received on Monday, 14 August 2023 11:23:37 UTC