Top Level ITS Entities

Per my action item from the last TOCC meeting, here is an initial cut of the entities (or at least entity classifications) within ITS and some fundamental properties. I think if we want a list of 10-20 as suggested, this is pretty close to what we come up with, which aligns with what I had initially envisioned as a “Subject Area Model”, which is a type of model defined in some architecture tools. Note, while some of these are likely to translate into real entities in a Conceptual Model (which is the next layer down), some won’t. For example, Vehicle is likely to be a real entity but Environment probably would not be and Core certainly would not be.

Also note that I have already tried to align these terms used by other Smart City groups and have divided the model into a generic section (in red) and a transport section (in blue). 

Environment - entities related to weather, air quality, road conditions, sun glare, etc.
Infrastructure - entities related to the (relatively) static facilities
Storage - entities representing areas where items can be stored. This might be a freight storage yard, a parking facility, a computer disk, etc.
Vehicle - entities representing any type of vehicle
Journey - entities representing a journey from point A to point X, including elements thereof, and it would include the route 
Location - entities representing any type of location (with 0 or more dimensions)
Account - entities representing financial or other personal data associated with a user
User - Any entity that might use transport services
Good - Any material entity that might be transported 
Event - Any entity that represents an activity
Plan - Entities that represent any type of forecasted scenario
Case - Entities that capture information that has occurred 
Service - Entities that describe the services provided by another entity
Resource - Entities that represent the items available for use in providing services (includes human, tangible, and electronic resources)
Agent - Entities that represent a service provider
Agreement - Entities that represent a contractual agreement among users, agents, and services
Core - Entities that a general in nature and do not fit into the other categories (e.g., basic structures for recording measurements of any sort)

Ken Vaughn

Trevilon LLC
6606 FM 1488 RD #148-503
Magnolia, TX 77354
+1-571-331-5670 cell

> On Sep 24, 2020, at 9:34 AM, Ted Guild <> wrote:
> -- 
> Ted Guild <>
> W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 15:58:14 UTC