Re: Follow-Up: Detailed Manifestations Example


I have added a use case and the route concept from the OGC Routing Pilot to the wiki.

Note that I had some problems with using Plant UML in the Wiki ("|" characters are rejected).

Best regards,

Am 28.05.2020 um 02:04 schrieb Kenneth Vaughn <<>>:

Here is my input for the call tomorrow:
1. Two diagrams that explain the proposed governance process
2. An initial version of Plant UML text that can be used to generate a UML class diagram (also attached). This was generated from Sparx Enterprise Architect and with a little more work I should be able to get it to produce other relationships and attributes as needed (i.e., right now it is only outputting simple associations with unspecified direction; I just need to add the code to address the other relationship types and then include attributes). Now that we have proven that we can produce the output, we can consider if this is a useful format vs just embedding a *.png file (e.g., I think its main benefit would be to store these files within github and to embed the graphical version of the *.puml file on the CityDataModel page - this would allow a visual image on the CityDataModel while allowing Github to provide robust version control features and allow users to easily propose suggested edits to the text files). However, the master file of the data model should be kept in a real UML tool that can be used to ensure consistency of the entire model and can be used to produce output in multiple formats as needed.

class Vehicle
Vehicle -- VehiclePosition
Vehicle -- VehicleSpeed
Vehicle -- VehicleHeading
Vehicle -- Entity
class RoadVehicle
class PhysicalEntity
PhysicalEntity -- Position
PhysicalEntity -- GeoLocation
PhysicalEntity -- SensedValue
class Entity
class Trailer
class Precipitation
Precipitation -- Precipitation
class Wheel
class Speed
Speed -- VehicleSpeed
class Heading
Heading -- VehicleHeading
class Acceleration
class YawRate


Ken Vaughn

Trevilon LLC
6606 FM 1488 RD #148-503
Magnolia, TX 77354
+1-571-331-5670 cell<>

On May 25, 2020, at 12:21 PM, Megan Katsumi <<>> wrote:

Hi All,

As discussed at the last TOCC meeting, please find a detailed example of the manifestations approach to representing change over time for Arcs. Please let me know if you have any questions about this, otherwise I look forward to speaking with you at the next TOCC meeting this Thursday.


Megan Katsumi, PhD, MASc
Postdoctoral Fellow
Enterprise Integration Laboratory<>
Transportation Research Institute<>
University of Toronto
<RepresentingChange_ Arc Example (1).pdf>

Received on Thursday, 28 May 2020 08:08:55 UTC