[Fwd: March F2F changed to remote meeting]

There will be transportation data topics during this online meeting. If
you're interested, please follow the various links and register.

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Forwarded message 1

  • From: Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
  • Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:00:58 -0500
  • Subject: March F2F changed to remote meeting
  • To: public-automotive <public-automotive@w3.org>, public-autowebplatform <public-autowebplatform@w3.org>
  • Message-ID: <1ba5c07f6f6fe1cf41eb4cf12fe64ce5252e09a7.camel@w3.org>
On yesterday's call we resolved to switch to a remote meeting and for
people to keep 23-26 March on their calendars.

We will hold four hour meetings each of those four days.

Please fill in this survey as to times those days that you could be

I created the broadest range of times I could reasonably function in my
timezone which makes for an annoyingly large survey. Enter ranges that
would work for you. We'll see what we get for overlap, may oscillate
between friendlier to Europe and West Coast and understand some people
may have interruptions.

Breakout sessions possible still with parallel WebEx and irc meeting
minute channels. We should delve into agenda on next call.


As we won't be able to gather for beers, dinner, axe throwing etc let's
try to think of ways to keep this fun. Open mic during breaks, any
topic, joke, news story welcome. Everyone is encouraged to do a
lightning talk or even two, one could be on any topic and interest,
hobby, tangents related to automotive and transportation obviously

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Thursday, 5 March 2020 17:25:15 UTC