Notes from 2020-04-29 TOCC call

I captured some scant notes, if others wish to augment especially on
the first half I missed please feel free.

Present: Mark, Megan, Ken, Clemens, George, Ted

Chair: Mark

Ken prepared discussion on conventions, tooling influenced by what is
used in TC204, preferences/experiences

Discussion of UML tooling

Sparx granted licenses to TC211 and TC204 participants
Windows based - issue for most participants

Clemens can introduce Ted to Ken Harkin so he can request a W3C
license should group wish to use tool

discussion on difficulty managing constributions from other editing

LucidChart - web based, free and premium versions

some possible plantuml translations possible

Conventions (URI?, will be in a pull request soon) markdown shared on

British English, CamelCasing etc...

element-type and ClassName prompted whether Turtle ttl conventions were

Limit use (eg for enumeration) of sterotypes and define clearly what
they mean.

choice and role** constructs

Mark wants more conceptual level than enumeration, choice, role etc

Introduction from Megan on route from collabatorium, provide feedback
directly there

Next meeting: Wednesday, 13 May @ 7CST, 8EST, 14CET

Ted Guild <>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2020 13:20:29 UTC