[transition] CR Request for CSS Scrollbars Styling Module Level 1

This is a transition request for a Candidate Recommendation
CR Request for CSS Scrollbars Styling Module Level 1
from https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/395

# Document title, URLs, estimated publication date
CSS Scrollbars Styling Module Level 1
Expected publication date: as soon as the Team can approve the transition and publish the document

# Abstract

# Status

# Link to group's decision to request transition

# Changes

# Requirements satisfied
No specific requirements document

# Dependencies met (or not)
Normative references are:
* CSS-COLOR-4: WD, only used to refer to the generic concept of a `<color>` ->OK
* CSS-COLOR-ADJUST-1*: WD, only used to refer to the color-scheme property as something that UAs *may* take into account ->OK
* CSS-OVERFLOW-3: WD, only normatively used to refer to the very stable concept of a "scroll container". -> OK
* CSS-VALUES-4: WD, only used for things are already in level 3 as well (bikeshed is a bit agressive at picking the newest spec), like the notion of "css-wide keywords" or the syntax to define property values.  ->OK
* CSS2: REC -> OK
* RFC2119: -> OK

# Wide Review
Horizontal review: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6550
Blog announcement of a "last call": https://www.w3.org/blog/CSS/2021/08/27/css-scrollbars-lcwd/

# Issues addressed

# Formal Objections

# Implementation
No formal implementation report yet, but so far, it is implemented and shipping in Firefox (since 64), and [under development in Blink](https://www.chromestatus.com/features/5665308343795712)

# Patent disclosures
None to date on this specification: https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/css/ipr#disclosures

cc: @svgeesus @tantek @atanassov @astearns @fantasai 

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Received on Thursday, 2 December 2021 08:19:56 UTC