[transition] PR Request for JSON-LD 1.1

From https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/239

# Document title, URLs, estimated publication date

- JSON-LD 1.1
    - The Latest CR: https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-20200417/
    - Expected publication date: 2020-05-05
- JSON-LD 1.1 Processing Algorithms and API
    - The Latest CR: https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-api-20200417/
    - Expected publication date: 2020-05-05
- JSON-LD 1.1 Framing
    - The Latest CR: https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-framing-20200417/
    - Expected publication date: 2020-05-05

# Abstract

- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-20200417/#abstract
- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-api-20200417/#abstract
- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-framing-20200417/#abstract

# Status

- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-20200417/#sotd
- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-api-20200417/#sotd
- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-framing-20200417/#sotd

# Link to group's decision to request transition

- https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020/2020-04-17-json-ld#resolution2

# Changes

- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-20200417/#changes-from-10
- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-api-20200417/#changes-since-1-0-recommendation-of-16-january-2014
- https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/CR-json-ld11-framing-20200417/#changes-since-1-0-draft-of-30-august-2012 (Note: there were no changes on this document in CR phase.)

# Requirements satisfied

No new requirements since the CR transition. For the CR exit criteria, see the "Implementation" section below.

# Dependencies met (or not)

No extra dependencies since CR.

# Wide Review

The WG has tracked the reviews in GitHub using issues.

- https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues?q=is:issue+is:closed+label:wr:spec-updated
- https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues?q=is:issue+is:closed+label:wr:spec-updated
- https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/issues?q=is:issue+is:closed+label:wr:spec-updated

# Issues addressed

See previous list of issues.

# Formal Objections


# Implementation

A separate document collects all implementation reports submitted for the three documents:

- https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-api/reports/

Some comments to the report:

- _Every_ feature pass the CR criteria (i.e., at least two independent implementation). 
- The test suite includes entries for _all_ features, including features for the previous version of JSON-LD (covered by the previous version of the Recommendation). The tables mark explicitly the features that are specific to the 1.1 version.
- The test suite includes entries for non-normative features, too. Those have been grayed in the table.
- Not all implementations implement all categories/documents; this depends on the implementation goals. E.g., the streaming parser for transforming to and from RDF does not implement framing, the various JSON-LD transformation, or the extraction of JSON-LD from HTML data blocks.
- There three implementation that implement _all_ features with at least 94% of completeness.
- The WG would like to consider the test suite as a living document; new or updated reports for existing or completely new implementations may be submitted at a later point.

# Patent disclosures

See https://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/107714/status

# Additional notes

1. The Working Group has, in preparation, a [charter proposal for a maintenance Working Group](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-wg-charter/). That proposal is currently under horizontal review in Strategy, and the WG hopes to be able to submit it to an AC approval on or right after the PR has been published.
2. The upcoming Process 2020 has an [additional feature for PR-s](https://w3c.github.io/w3process/#transition-pr):
    > A Proposed Recommendation may identify itself as intending to allow new features (class 4 changes) after its initial publication as a Recommendation, as described in ยง Revising a Recommendation: New Features. Such an allowance cannot be added to a technical report previously published as a Recommendation that did not allow such changes.

    This Working Group would definitely like to evolve the future versions of this Recommendation along those lines (some features have already been identified as "postponed" see, e.g., [for the syntax](https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Adefer-future-version) or [for the API](https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Adefer-future-version)). The group seeks the Director's advice on how to make sure this is possible under the aforementioned maintenance group charter (i.e., whether such statement, or something along those lines, could be added to the PR publication itself or whether the language of the charter makes it possible already). 


Cc: @gkellogg @pchampin @dlongley @BigBlueHat @azaroth42

Received on Sunday, 19 April 2020 11:09:16 UTC