Re: Starting the Traffic Event CG

On 07/10/2013 16:57, Stéphane Guidoin wrote:
> Thank you Daniel!
> Ok for the work plan. At first, we might target for 2 calls in a 2-3 
> weeks period to set things up. Then we could plan for every month or 
> every 2 months depending the timeline we fix for the CG.


> I am in Montréal, (UTC-04)

How early can you make a call ? (if we don't have Pacific time 
participants, it shouldn't be a problem)

> Go for Doodle! I would target the week of Oct 21st since it usually 
> takes a couple days (at least) before people answer the Doodle.
> In terms for teleconferencing, it depends how many people will be on 
> the line and the capabilities of everybody, but something like Google 
> Hangout or Skype (with video turned off) does a good job below 10 
> person (from my experience). For a real teleconference, the issue will 
> be the international aspect: I might be able to set something up, but 
> it will be an international for people in Europe.

Am I wrong in assuming than most calls from fixed to fixed lines are now 
included in the IP subscription of most users, even in Europe ?
I'll look into the voip apps.

> Stéphane
> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 6:23 AM, Daniel Dardailler < 
> <>> wrote:
>     On 07/10/2013 12:05, Daniel Dardailler wrote:
>         Hello all
>         as you can see at, we
>         have now clearance to start our activities as a W3C CG.
>         I think the first thing we should organize is a teleconference
>         call to discuss several things: (maybe not in that order)
>           - mutual presentation and interest in the field
>           - nomination of chair or chairs for the CG
>           - creation of a charter for the CG, defining scope, deliverables
>           - identification of other potential players in the field
>           - looking at a timeline for the work
>           - understanding of the CG process/IPR policy
>     (hit send too fast, sorry)
>     In order to do that, we need
>       - a common slot of one hour or 2 hours
>       - a teleconference facility (unfortunately, CGs can't use the
>     W3C facilities, zakim)
>     For the slot, I suggest people first give a week target, e.g. the
>     week of Monday the 14th of October, of that of the 21th, etc. and
>     the time zone they're in (e.g. I'm in France, CET, currently UTC+01).
>     and then I can create a doodle for that week with potential times
>     (I suggest using <> to resolve that)
>     For the teleconferencing, I'm interested in any free facilities
>     (free except for the phone calls I'll make to join the
>     teleconference, it doesn't have to be a 800/free number I mean),
>     since I've always used the regular W3C services til now and I have
>     no experience here.
>     In any case, welcome to the CG, and please reply to the list
>     instead of just to me.
> -- 
> Stéphane Guidoin
> Director, Transportation
> Open North
> 514-862-0084
> Twitter: @opennorth / @hoedic

Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2013 06:53:52 UTC