- From: Matthias Schunter (Intel Corporation) <mts-std@schunter.org>
- Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 09:31:28 +0200
- To: "public-tracking@w3.org (public-tracking@w3.org)" <public-tracking@w3.org>
Dear TPWG, thanks to Roy who has converted the CR into a Note. The draft Note can be found here: https://w3c.github.io/dnt/drafts/tracking-dnt.html We plan to publish this note along with the Addenum edited by Mike. Jeff Jaffe suggested we add some context to the note. David Singer and I propose to add these two paragraphs to the Note: > This Note is the outcome of the standardization process by the Tracking Protection Working Group that resulted in publishing this text as a Candidate Recommendation on DATE. > > An insufficient number of W3C members was willing to implement this standard that offers enhanced privacy and transparency. Due to lack of support, the TPWG working group then decided at the W3C technical plenary on 2019-10-24 to close down. The former Candidate Recommendation was then republished as this Note. Any comments and feedback are welcome! Regards, matthias
Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2018 07:31:54 UTC