Implementation and Validation of TPWG TPE Standard by Deutsche Telekom

Dear Martin,

thanks a lot for the interesting phone call.

I was happy to hear that you implemented the TPE standard in a browser
extension and that you believe that it is a useful and viable approach
to collect/manage consent for cookies in Europe.

As your input for pushing our standard towards a formal recommendation,
I would need two texts:

(1.) A short description of the implementation (1 page with some
(2.) A survey table what features of the standard have been implemented
and validated in your implementation

For (2) I suggest to wait until we have a table with all TPE features.
You then only need to double-check what subset of features you implemented.

Another item that would be useful to us would be:
(3) A short text explaining how you used TPE to manage consent as your
opinion to what extent it is helpful (e.g. compared to cookie-based
means). Also any other feedback/desired features is welcome.

We would need the inputs early January to submit our package before year
end if possible.

Thanks a lot!


Received on Thursday, 16 November 2017 16:49:52 UTC