DNT Disclosure

As part of OTA's / Internet Society annual trust audit, we are examining privacy policies including DNT disclosures (along with about a dozen other privacy related attributes and about 50 other security attributes), https://otalliance.org/TrustAudit

We recently came across this disclosure and would like to get the groups view on if they are honoring the DNT signal or not.

Opting Out for Certain Non-Cookie Services (in applicable countries): To help identify your browser and/or possible relationships between different browsers and devices, xxx or our partners may use the local storage or cache in your browser. Using the browser cache or local storage helps xxx or our partners deliver interest-based advertising to a browser without the use of third-party cookies. To opt out of xxx's use of local storage or the browser cache to provide its services, please (1) use any tools provided by your browser to clear local storage and the browser cache, and (2) turn on any "Do Not Track" header setting offered by your browser. As long as the two steps are completed and maintained on a browser, xxx will not use local storage or the cache on that browser to identify and sync browsers and devices. If you also want to opt out of xxx's use of third-party cookies for interest-based advertising enabled by 'sxxx Ad Exchange, please see instructions above.

Craig Spiezle
Executive Director & President
Online Trust Alliance / Internet Society
skype: craigspi


Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2017 21:07:56 UTC