Agenda for Monday Feb 06, 9am Pacific

Hi Folks,

thanks a lot for the lively and productive discussion on the mailing list.
Below info for our call on monday.

BTW: Should we return to weekly calls?



- We seem to have found consensus that the Tracking Status resource
should remain at the well-known resource.
We should not allow content-owners to ship some TSR-like-information via
The reason was that a TSR at a well-known resource allows to ensure that
the server owner is indeed part of the
DNT support. Please object if you disagree.


I propose to discuss the following topics next week:


0. Should we return to weekly calls?

1. Should we allow transmission of TK headers within http-equiv.

PRO reasons I heard:
- Convenient;
- May simplify dynamic generation of Tk info along with dynamically
generated content;
- If content includes tracking mechanisms, then the content can also
include Tk signal
- May lead to ambiguities (header vs. http-equiv info) [would require
conflict resolution]
- Tracking (unlike CSP) are not a content property. Thus attaching it
breaks the logics of server design
- Headers are easy to set for content-owners (once the server owner
enabled it).


2. Implementation/Validation Strategy

To reach REQ state, we have to demonstrate implmentation and

Question: What is a viable strategy for us.

Proposals I have seen so far:
- Use the existing browser implementations; retrofit the spec
    PRO: No implementation effort
    CONTRA: Minimal spec that we can no longer change (since browser
changes are unlikely)
- Use one or more plugins (e.g. Badger and Mike's plugin) and a number
of sites.
    PRO: Allows us to evolve our spec
    CONTRA: Implementation effort; We have to double-check that this
meets the requirements of W3C.


3. Should the Javascript API return promises ?

- Allows call-back
- More developer friendly; User-agent is notified once call is completed
- Changes the API
- Unclear what the meaning of the callback is.


4. Do we want to change our exception model

Mike to explain what he suggests to change.


5. Other issues from our tracker:

UPDATED Webex Info
This is a placeholder for the biweekly TPWG Telco.
We agreed to calendar a placeholder and cancel if needed

CHAT: channel #dnt

12:00 pm  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr

Meeting number: 642 521 085
Meeting password: dnt
Meeting link:
Audio connection: +1-617-324-0000

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2017 08:25:26 UTC