Re: Agenda for January 15

On 01/16/2014 04:59 PM, David Singer wrote:
>> Is that sufficiently addressing the concern for which we want to
>> find some text?  Mozilla looks for egregious violators of the spec and
>> work with them to correct it (or make it hard for them to get
>> their software plugged into Firefox).  It's still technically
>> possible for violating addons to exist -- we just attempt to
>> correct them?

> My personal feeling is that you have clearly taken joint
> responsibility here.  If someone tells you “plug-in X is violating
> the spec” and you agree, you will work to correct the situation by
> contacting the developer, and if they fail to correct, making it hard
> for them to get plugged in, i.e. you are exhibiting responsibility.

Ok, then I'm less resistant to adding some clarification text.  My main
concern is that the text will be interpreted as "UA is ultimately
responsible for software not created by UA author".  But I can get
behind something saying "UA makes best effort to ensure validity of signal".


Received on Friday, 17 January 2014 18:03:29 UTC