Re: Please Re-Open Issue-47

Thanks David, there seems to be some nuance and specific dependancies
regarding how you envision this link being added-- we should discuss on a
call, so those are well understood.  Looking forward to that discussion.



On 11/1/13 3:37 AM, "David Singer" <> wrote:

>We've discussed providing a link in the WKR for "additional compliance or
>audit regimes to which this site complies" and I think that that has real
>value.  It's clear that as a general standard, we can set the protocol in
>place, and the basis of what not tracking means, but the W3C will not do
>formal compliance or audit, and the specification is necessarily
>geography-insensitive.  Allowing members of bodies such as the DAA to say
>"and we also comply with the DAA requirements, we satisfy their
>conformance, and pass their audit", for example, seems to be a goodness,
>as well as being able to say "we meet the specific requirements of the
>Turks and Caicos Islands privacy commission".
>On Oct 30, 2013, at 20:20 , Chris Mejia <> wrote:
>> I'd also like to see this issue/idea re-opened and explored thoroughly
>>by the working group.  Given the new context since the poll, I think
>>this idea allows for a nice compliment to the TPE-only or TPE-first
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>> Chris Mejia | Digital Supply Chain Solutions | Ad Technology Group |
>>Interactive Advertising Bureau - IAB |
>> From: Shane Wiley - Yahoo! <>
>> Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 11:44 AM
>> To: W3C DNT Working Group Mailing List <>
>> Subject: Please Re-Open Issue-47
>> TPWG Co-Chairs,
>> I respectfully request we reopen Issue-47 due to change in course for
>>the Working Group.  We have a place in the TPE to allow a Server to
>>respond with further information about their compliance with DNT in
>>human readable form (well-known URI location) which allowed this issue
>>to be originally closed.  I believe we now need a more structured method
>>to indicate a specific compliance regime that a Server is supporting and
>>I¹m not sure the current link approach provides enough structure.
>> This could be a net new issue but some of that conversation was
>>contained around this issue but basically at TPE field/well-known URI
>>location that designates the compliance regime would fit this need (name
>>of compliance standard, link to definitions, link to deeper details).
>>This would allow the browser to communicate to users the compliance
>>regime in a more stable fashion (for example, this site supports DAA
>>Compliance requirements).
>> - Shane
>David Singer
>Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 1 November 2013 14:41:32 UTC